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     라인으로 공유


   ◎위챗 : speedseoul



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USA & Canada Domestic

 Domestic is a carrier-class wholesale service enables your subscribers to terminate an IP-based call to anywhere within United States and Canada.  terminates local, interstate and intrastate voice calls. Intelligent Routing, Direct Packet Peering with participating carriers, mediated ENUM and Federation assures the lowest possible price with highest quality.  can accommodate specific needs of service providers to design personalized solutions based on their unique requirements. Competitively priced, jurisdiction-free service for IP-to-PSTN Termination includes the following features.

Key Features:

  • 165,000 NPA NXX rates covering 48 states of the USA and Canada
  • 65,000 NPA NXX covering our USA on-net
  • 8,000 NPA NXX covering 40 Canadian cities on-net
  • Toll-Free Termination

 Domestic Termination services are aimed to empower clients of all sizes alike with the ability to terminate calls with no channel restrictions at an extremely fast pace. With an install base capable of handling 1,000,000 calls per hour and having long term clients doing as much as 100,000 calls per hour, you can be sure of a tried and tested  Domestic product for your termination requirements.

Guaranteed features include:

  • CLI - including CLIP and CLIR
  • Fax - delivery of Fax calls globally
  • Industry leading quality - higher Answer Seizure Ratio (ASR) and Network Effectiveness Ratio (NER) than market level.

Focus on Quality Assurance:

  • Priority in customer support
  • Real-time monitoring of quality parameters, such as Answer Seizure Ratio (ASR) and Network Effectiveness Ratio (NER)
  • Proactive regular tests on Fax, MSRN and CLI delivery
  • Central network management with 24/7 quality and network monitoring
  • Customer service desk, which can be contacted 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

Features and Advantages:

  • NO need to make the large deposits or prepayments that you would have to make when getting connected to major carriers
  • NO need to go through the lengthy process of dealing with other paperwork (with major carriers this can take up to 2-3 months)
  • NO sign up or monthly fees
  • NO minimum monthly sales requirements
  • Flexible payment terms: Prepaid, Postpaid, EMS and Vertecto Escrow Services
  • Excellent 24/7 customer service and technical support
  • 6 second billing increment
  • Access to the network that terminated 300 million minutes of domestic voice traffic
  • Access to Tier 1 & 2 carriers from all over US and Canada
  • Access to 19 mobile carriers from all over US and Canada
  • Access to the web based call detailed records.

Interconnect Options:

 offers multiple ways to connect to  Domestic:

  • Private, dedicated TDM circuit to an  Central Offices using SS7/C7 signaling
  • Private, dedicated IP circuit to an  Central Offices (SIP plus SIP-I signaling recommended)
  • Public IP connections via the public Internet from anywhere in the world that leverage  proprietary IP technologies for superior quality via SIP or H323.

Customer Service

 Network Operations Center offers 24/7 quality and network monitoring and customer support.

조회 수 :
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18:58:49 (*.160.42.233)
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