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OpenSIPS Control Panel (OCP) Installation Guide

OCP has been tested and developed mostly on Debian and Redhat Linux , but, being
a web portal qualifies it to work also with other Linux distros and operating
systems as well. Most of the paths and commands in this INSTALL guide are be
debian/redhat specific.   

You Will Need:
1. a web server (this tutorial focuses only on Apache Web Server)
2. PHP and some of it's extensions
3. DB (mysql/postgres/sqlite/oracle etc)

This tutorial assumes that your web directory is /var/www/ and the OCP files are
located in /var/www/opensips-cp/ folder


1. Install Apache
- debian: apt-get install apache2 libapache2-mod-php5
- redhat: yum install httpd

2. Configure Apache
- you can add the configuration below into one of Apache's existent VHOSTs or
  create a new one:

        <Directory /var/www/opensips-cp/web>
                Options Indexes FollowSymLinks MultiViews
                AllowOverride None
                Order allow,deny
                allow from all

        <Directory /var/www/opensips-cp>
                Options Indexes FollowSymLinks MultiViews
                AllowOverride None
                Order deny,allow
                deny from all

        Alias /cp /var/www/opensips-cp/web

- you can read more about Apache's VHOSTS here:

2. Apache is going to need write permissions on some files / folders in the
   opensips-cp directory :

- so you can do:
    - for debian: chown -R www-data:www-data /var/www/opensips-cp/
    - for redhat: chown -R apache:apache /var/www/opensips-cp/

- or, at least chown the mandatory files:
    - for debian: chown -R www-data:www-data /var/www/opensips-cp/web/tools/system/smonitor/generated
                  chown  www-data:www-data /var/www/opensips-cp/config/tools/system/drouting/group_ids.txt
                  chown  www-data:www-data /var/www/opensips-cp/config/tools/system/drouting/gw_types.txt
    - for redhat: chown -R apache:apache /var/www/opensips-cp/web/tools/system/smonitor/generated
                  chown  apache:apache /var/www/opensips-cp/config/tools/system/drouting/group_ids.txt
                  chown  apache:apache /var/www/opensips-cp/config/tools/system/drouting/gw_types.txt


You must have PHP installed and enabled in the web server.

In order to do that you will have to install php and some of it's extensions.

- on debian distros do:
    apt-get install php5 php5-gd php5-mysql php5-xmlrpc php-pear php5-cli
- on redhat distros do:
    yum install php php-gd php-mysql php-xmlrpc php-pear

Check if these extensions are enabled :
- for debian distros check /etc/php5/conf.d/ for mysql.ini, gd.ini, xmlrpc.ini
- for redhat distros check /etc/php.d/ for mysql.ini, gd.ini, xmlrpc.ini

If these are not there plese check if you have installed them correctly

Do not forget to set in your php.ini :
short_open_tag = On ;  

4. MDB2 package needs to be installed with the appropriate DB driver
   (mysql / postgresql / mssql / sqlite etc.)

    pear install MDB2
    pear install MDB2#mysql //should you choose to go with the mysql database
    pear install log

Database server

The OpenSIPS Control Panel can connect to a remote database server,
so the DB server can be used from the SIP Server machine or another
machine in the network.

* You will need the opensips database schema from the opensips distribution.
(OCP is made for it)

* Additional steps:

    * For the admin tool you must add a table.

        Follow these steps:
        1. install the ocp_admin_privileges table schema (we only provide the
           schema for mysql and pgsql)
            - from the opensips-cp folder run:
                mysql -Dopensips -p < config/tools/admin/add_admin/ocp_admin_privileges.mysql
                psql -h host_name -U postgres_username -d opensips < config/tools/admin/add_admin/ocp_admin_privileges.pgsql
        2. For being able to login create an admin account with the following
           username and password: admin/admin. Add it into the database:

            INSERT INTO ocp_admin_privileges (username,password,ha1,available_tools,permissions) values ('admin','admin',md5('admin:admin'),'all','all');        

    * For the cdrviewer tool you must add a table of use one that is already in
      your OpenSIPS Database (in case your OpenSIPS Server generates & stores
      CDRs in DB)

        Follow these steps (in case you do not have already a cdrs table in your
        opensips DB):    
            mysql -Dopensips -p < config/tools/system/cdrviewer/cdrs.mysql
            psql -h host_name -U postgres_username -d opensips < config/tools/system/cdrviewer/cdrs.pgsql

    * For the smonitor module: you must add two tables to the OpenSIPS database

        Follow these steps:    
            1. Install the monitored_stats and monitoring_stats tables.
                mysql -Dopensips -p < config/tools/system/smonitor/tables.mysql
                psql -h host_name -U postgres_username -d opensips < config/tools/system/smonitor/tables.pgsql
            2. Edit the cron_job/get_opensips_stats.php file and change:
                $path_to_smonitor="/var/www/opensips-cp/web/tools/system/smonitor"; to the actual path of your OpenSIPS CP
            3. Add a cron job that collects data from the opensips machine(s).
                Here's a cron job that collects data at 1 minute interval:
                * * * * *   root   php /var/www/opensips-cp/cron_job/get_opensips_stats.php > /dev/null

Configuration files

* DB Configuration files are split in:
    1) global(config/
    2) local(config/tools/(admin|users|system)/module_name/    

        If all modules pull out data from the same database, there should be
        used only the global config file and the local config files should be
        left as they are defined by default.
        If modules draw out data from different databases, in the local config
        files all the fields should be uncommented and provisioned accordingly
        ( host, database name, port -if necessary - user, password ).

* Configuration files:
    1) globals.php (config/globals.php)
    2) (config/
    3) (config/

    1)The globals.php file is used for parameters that are being accessed in
        more then one module.
        The permissions parameter is used by all modules, when setting the
        modules permissions for a certain admin.
        This array has 2 values that will remain unchanged:
            read-only and read-write.

            $config->permissions = array("read-only","read-write");

        You can use this parameter if you want your passwords to be
        encrypted (1) or left in plain text mode (0)

    2) The contains some important parameters like :
        - box_id - this is an integer unique ID of the box your are configuring
        - MI (management interface) connector - gives OpenSIPS Control Panel
          the ability to "talk" to OpenSIPS proxy via fifo, udp, xmlrpc and
          http json
        - Monit configuration - OpenSIPS CP can be integrated with Monit
        - enable / disable Smonitor charts generator (you can choose to sample
          charts data on a box - be careful to configure the cron scripts)
        - choose the system id associated to the box
      You can define multiple boxes and group them into systems (see commented
          part of the file).

    3) The file is used to configure what tools (modules)
       and/or groups of tools should appear in the main menu
        For example :

           "users"         => array (
                                                    "enabled"   => true,
                                                    "name"      => "Users",
                                                    "modules"   => array (
                                                                        "acl_management"    => array (
                                                                                                    "enabled"   => true,
                                                                                                    "name"      => "ACL Management"
                                                                        "alias_management"  => array (
                                                                                                    "enabled"   => false,
                                                                                                    "name"      => "Alias Management"

        Above you can see that the Users tool group is enabled and the
        "ACL Management" module are enabled but the "Alias Management" is not
        enabled so it will not show up in the main menu.

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13:16:23 (*.160.88.200)
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