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    before pay call 0088 from app

if extern cmd  in opensips.cfg

exe err permission denieded 

chown opensips.opensips

chmod ug+rx

1.3.1. setvars (integer)

Set to 1 to enable setting all above-mentioned environment variables for all executed commands.

WARNING: Before enabling this parameter, make sure your "/bin/sh" is safe from the Shellshock bash vulnerability!!!

Default value is 0 (disabled).

Example 1.1. Set setvars parameter

modparam("exec", "setvars", 1)

1.3.2.  time_to_kill (integer)

Specifies the longest time (in seconds) that a program is allowed to execute. Once this duration is exceeded, the program is terminated (SIGTERM)

Default value is 0 (disabled).

Example 1.2. Set time_to_kill parameter

modparam("exec", "time_to_kill", 20)

1.4. Exported Functions

1.4.1.  exec(command, [stdin], [stdout], [stderr], [envavp])

Executes an external command. The input is passed to the standard input of the new process, if specified, and the output is saved in the output variable.

The function waits for the external script until it provided all its output (not necessary to actually finish). If no output (standard output or standard error) is required by the function, it will not block at all - it will simply launch the external script and continue the script.

Meaning of the parameters is as follows:

  • command - command to be executed.It can include pseudovariables.

  • stdin - String to be passed to the standard input of the command. The string can be given as a pseudovariable.

  • stdout - pseudovariable where to store the output from the standard output of the process.

  • stderr - pseudovariable where to store the error from the standard error of the process.

  • envavp - AVP which holds the values for the environment variables to be passed for the command. The names of the environment variables will be "OSIPS_EXEC_#", where "#" starts from 0. For example, if we push two values (e.g. "b" and "a") into an AVP variable, which acts like a stack, OSIPS_EXEC_0 will hold "a", while OSIPS_EXEC_1 will hold "b".

NOTE: If expecting a multi-line formatted output, you should use $avp variables for the "stdout" and "stderr" parameters, to avoid only receiving the last lines of each stream.

WARNING: any OpenSIPS pseudo-vars which may contain special bourne shell (sh/bash) characters should be placed inside quotes, e.g. exec(" '$(ct{re.subst,/'//g})'");

WARNING: "stdin"/"stdout"/"stderr" parameters are not designed for large amounts of data, so one should be careful when using them. Because of the basic implementation, filled up pipes could cause a read deadlock.


Example 1.3. exec usage

$avp(env) = "a";
$avp(env) = "b";
exec("ls -l", , "$var(out)", "$var(err)", "$avp(env)");
xlog("The output is $var(out)\n");
xlog("Received the following error\n$var(err)");
$var(input) = "input";
exec("/home/../", "this is my $var(input) for exec\n", , , "$avp(env)");

1.4.2.  exec_dset(command) (DEPRECATED)

WARNING - this function is deprecated and it will be remove in the next version - please use the exec() function ( Section 1.4.1, “exec(command, [stdin], [stdout], [stderr], [envavp]) ” ).

Executes an external command. The current R-URI is appended to the command as its last parameter. The output of the command will rewrite the current R-URI. Multiple lines of output lead to multiple branches.

Meaning of the parameters is as follows:

  • command (string, pvar) - command to be executed. It can include pseudo-variables or '$$' delimited UNIX environment variables

WARNING: most OpenSIPS scripting variables should be quoted before being passed to external commands, as in: exec_avp(" '$ct'"). This may help avoid some unexpected behaviour (e.g. unwanted extra parameters, errors due to special bash characters, etc.)

This function can be used from REQUEST_ROUTE, FAILURE_ROUTE.

Example 1.4. exec_dset usage

exec_dset(" '$ct'");

1.4.3.  exec_msg(command) (DEPRECATED)

WARNING - this function is deprecated and it will be remove in the next version - please use the exec() function ( Section 1.4.1, “exec(command, [stdin], [stdout], [stderr], [envavp]) ” ).

Executes an external command. The current SIP message is passed to it in the standard input, no command-line parameters are added and the output of the command is ignored.

See sip-server/modules/exec/etc/exec.cfg in the source tarball for information on usage.

Meaning of the parameters is as follows:

  • command (string) - command to be executed. It can include pseudo-variables or '$$' delimited UNIX environment variables

WARNING: most OpenSIPS scripting variables should be quoted before being passed to external commands, as in: exec_avp(" '$ct'"). This may help avoid some unexpected behaviour (e.g. unwanted extra parameters, errors due to special bash characters, etc.)


Example 1.5. exec_msg usage

exec_msg(" '$ct' >> /var/log/call-logger/'$rU'.calls");

1.4.4.  exec_avp(command[, avplist]) (DEPRECATED)

WARNING - this function is deprecated and it will be remove in the next version - please use the exec() function ( Section 1.4.1, “exec(command, [stdin], [stdout], [stderr], [envavp]) ” ).

Executes an external command. Each output line of the command is saved in its corresponding AVP from avplist. If avplist is missing or is incomplete, the populated AVPs will be 1, 2, 3... or N, N+1, N+2...

Meaning of the parameters is as follows:

  • command (string) - command to be executed. It can include pseudo-variables or '$$' delimited UNIX environment variables

  • avplist (string) - comma separated list with AVP names to store the result in

WARNING: most OpenSIPS scripting variables should be quoted before being passed to external commands, as in: exec_avp(" '$ct'"). This may help avoid some unexpected behaviour (e.g. unwanted extra parameters, errors due to special bash characters, etc.)


Example 1.6. exec_avp usage

exec_avp(" '$rU'", "$avp(credit) $avp(contract_model)");

1.4.5.  exec_getenv(environment_variable[, avp]) (DEPRECATED)

WARNING - this function is deprecated and it will be remove in the next version - please use the exec() function ( Section 1.4.1, “exec(command, [stdin], [stdout], [stderr], [envavp]) ” ).

Obtains the value of a UNIX evironment_variable. The value is saved in 'avp'. If 'avp' is missing, output will be stored in $avp(1). If there is no such environment variable no value will be returned.

Meaning of the parameters is as follows:

  • environment_variable (string) - environent variable name. Can also be specified as a pseudo-variable

  • avp - an AVP to store the result in

WARNING: any OpenSIPS pseudo-vars which may contain special bash characters should be placed inside quotes, e.g. exec_getenv("'$ct'");


Example 1.7. exec_getenv usage

exec_getenv("HOSTNAME", "$avp(localhost)");

1.5. Exported Asyncronous Functions

1.5.1.  exec(command[,input[,output[,error[,env]]]])

Executes an external command. This function does exactly the same as Section 1.4.1, “ exec(command, [stdin], [stdout], [stderr], [envavp]) ” (in terms of input, output and processing), but in an asynchronous way. The script execution is suspended until the external script provided all its output. OpenSIPS waits for the external script to close its output stream, not necessarily to terminate (so the script may still be running when OpenSIPS resumes the script execution on "seeing" EOF on the the output stream).

NOTE: this function ignore the "error" parameters for now - the asynchronous waiting is done only on the output stream !! This may be fixed in the following versions.

To read and understand more on the asynchronous functions, how to use them and what are their advantages, please refer to the OpenSIPS online Manual.

Example 1.8. async exec usage

async( exec("","$ru","$ru"), resume );

route[resume] {

1.6. Known Issues

When imposing an execution timeout using time_to_kill, make sure your "/bin/sh" is a shell which does not fork when executed, case in which the job itself will not be killed, but rather its parent shell, while the job is silently inherited by "init" and will continue to run. "/bin/dash" is one of these troublesome shell environments.

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