

온누리070 플레이스토어 다운로드
    acrobits softphone
     온누리 070 카카오 프러스 친구추가온누리 070 카카오 프러스 친구추가친추
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     라인으로 공유


   ◎위챗 : speedseoul



    before pay call 0088 from app

SIP Status Codes

This is a list of the known SIP status codes

100 - Trying
180 - Ringing
181 - Call Being Forwarded
182 - Call Queued
183 - Session Progress
200 - OK
202 - Accepted
300 - Multiple Choices
301 - Moved Permanently
302 - Moved Temporarily
305 - Use Proxy
380 - Alternative Service
400 - Bad Request
401 - Unauthorized
402 - Payment Required
403 - Forbidden
404 - Not Found
405 - Method Not Allowed
406 - Not Acceptable
407 - Proxy Authentication Required
408 - Request Timeout
409 - Conflict
410 - Gone
411 - Length Required
413 - Request Entity Too Large
414 - Request URI Too Long
415 - Unsupported Media Type
416 - Unsupported URI Scheme
420 - Bad Extension
421 - Extension Required
423 - Interval Too Brief
480 - Temporarily Unavailable
481 - Call/Transaction Does Not Exist
482 - Loop Detected
483 - Too Many Hops
484 - Address Incomplete
485 - Ambiguous
486 - Busy Here
487 - Request Terminated
488 - Not Acceptable Here
491 - Request Pending
493 - Undecipherable
500 - Server Internal Error
501 - Not Implemented
502 - Bad Gateway
503 - Service Unavailable
504 - Server Time-Out
505 - Version Not Supported
513 - Message Too Large
600 - Busy Everywhere
603 - Declined
604 - Does Not Exist Anywhere
606 - Not Acceptable
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07:34:32 (*.223.1.206)
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