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Fail2Ban is an intrusion prevention system that works by scanning log files and then taking action based on the entries in those logs.

You can configure Fail2Ban in a way that will update iptables firewall rules when an authentication failure threshold is reached, which helps in preventing SIP brute force attacks against FS instances.

Fail2Ban scans your freeswitch log file and bans IP that makes too many password failures. It updates firewall rules to reject the IP address.

Fail2Ban is available at or on their github page:


Fail2Ban needs a log of Authentication Attempts/Failures in order to ban IPs. There are two ways to do that:


  • Enable "log-auth-failures" on each Sofia profile to monitor

  • to have these messages printed in log file requires a high enough loglevel on your logs : must be loglevel 4 (WARNING) or superior.

    <param name="log-auth-failures" value="true"/>


apt-get install fail2ban



zypper sa openSUSE-security
zypper refresh
zypper up
zypper install fail2ban



pkg install py27-fail2ban
... and all the files referenced later are in /usr/local/etc/ rather than /etc/


For CentOS the easiest way to do this is to install fail2ban from the EPEL repository. See

The EPEL repository is non-arch specific, the links to i386 are identical to x86_64.



Edit Config Files

The maintainers of Fail2Ban have taken an interest in supporting FreeSWITCH. They have asked that we use the configuration at rather than specify a configuration here. If anyone wishes to submit other regular expressions that should be include, please provide samples to

The jail.conf file may get overwritten when upgrading Fail2Ban. Create a /etc/fail2ban/jail.local file with the following data in it, setting the correct path to *your* freeswitch.log file, and adjust the email addresses if needed for your setup:


enabled  = true
port     = 5060,5061,5080,5081
filter   = freeswitch
logpath  = /var/log/freeswitch/freeswitch.log
maxretry = 10
action   = iptables-allports[name=freeswitch, protocol=all]
           sendmail-whois[name=FreeSwitch, dest=root,]


(mine are /usr/local/freeswitch/log/freeswitch.log)

Since the warnings in the log are also sometimes present for valid IP address, like your local LAN, you will want to add the following to the jail.local file:


# "ignoreip" can be an IP address, a CIDR mask or a DNS host
ignoreip =
bantime  = 600
maxretry = 3

Add any additional addresses that may access your system.

Restart fail2ban (/etc/init.d/fail2ban restart or service fail2ban restart) and ensure that fail2ban loads the filter. The following should be in your /var/log/fail2ban.log:

2010-02-05 10:04:23,560 fail2ban.jail   : INFO   Creating new jail 'freeswitch-udp'
2010-02-05 10:04:23,560 fail2ban.jail   : INFO   Jail 'freeswitch-udp' uses poller
2010-02-05 10:04:23,561 fail2ban.filter : INFO   Added logfile = /var/log/freeswitch/freeswitch.log
2010-02-05 10:04:23,562 fail2ban.filter : INFO   Set maxRetry = 3
2010-02-05 10:04:23,562 fail2ban.filter : INFO   Set findtime = 600
2010-02-05 10:04:23,563 fail2ban.actions: INFO   Set banTime = 600
2010-02-05 10:04:23,677 fail2ban.jail   : INFO   Creating new jail 'freeswitch-tcp'
2010-02-05 10:04:23,677 fail2ban.jail   : INFO   Jail 'freeswitch-tcp' uses poller
2010-02-05 10:04:23,678 fail2ban.filter : INFO   Added logfile = /var/log/freeswitch/freeswitch.log
2010-02-05 10:04:23,679 fail2ban.filter : INFO   Set maxRetry = 3
2010-02-05 10:04:23,680 fail2ban.filter : INFO   Set findtime = 600
2010-02-05 10:04:23,680 fail2ban.actions: INFO   Set banTime = 600
2010-02-05 10:04:23,723 fail2ban.jail   : INFO   Jail 'freeswitch-tcp' started
2010-02-05 10:04:23,723 fail2ban.jail   : INFO   Jail 'freeswitch-udp' started

Verify that the iptables rules were created:

# iptables -L f2b-freeswitch
Chain f2b-freeswitch (1 references)
target     prot opt source               destination        
RETURN     all  --  anywhere             anywhere

Test the actual failure mode

Setup your favorite client with an invalid userid or invalid password. Try to login as many times as you have set your failure threshold in Fail2Ban. Watch Fail2Ban log:

tail -f /var/log/fail2ban.log
2010-02-05 10:13:12,070 fail2ban.actions: WARNING [freeswitch-udp] Ban
2010-02-05 10:13:12,098 fail2ban.actions: WARNING [freeswitch-tcp] Ban

Verify your client can no longer do a register (should just time out). Also verify iptables:

# iptables -n -L f2b-freeswitch
Chain fail2ban-freeswitch-tcp (1 references)
target     prot opt source               destination
DROP       all  --
RETURN     all  --  
# iptables -n -L f2b-freeswitch
Chain fail2ban-freeswitch-udp (1 references)
target     prot opt source               destination
DROP       all  --
RETURN     all  --  


You can then wait for Fail2Ban to clear the the block, or do it yourself:

# iptables -D f2b-freeswitch 1
# iptables -L f2b-freeswitch
RETURN     all  --  anywhere             anywhere
# iptables -D f2b-freeswitch 1
# iptables -L f2b-freeswitch
Chain fail2ban-freeswitch-udp (1 references)
target     prot opt source               destination
RETURN     all  --  anywhere             anywhere



You might also take a look at this oreilly script


If you're seeing something like this in your Fail2Ban logfile:

2011-02-27 14:11:42,326 fail2ban.actions.action: ERROR  iptables -N fail2ban-freeswitch-tcp

add the time.sleep(0.1) to /usr/bin/fail2ban-client

def __processCmd(self, cmd, showRet = True):
	beautifier = Beautifier()
	for c in cmd:


sed -i -e s,beautifier\.setInputCmd\(c\),'time.sleep\(0\.1\)\n\t\t\tbeautifier.setInputCmd\(c\)', /usr/bin/fail2ban-client

Source: fail2ban wik


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