This Question is little confusing, why 2017?
Anyway, we always use HTTP methods GET, POST, PUT etc. for transmission of data over network.
Those are requests,
is used to retrieve remote data, and POST
is used to insert/update remote data , and PUT
is used to create/overwrite it.
If you are looking for libraries that help you for this.
- Volley
- OKHttp
- Retrofit
- Rxjava2
There are some you must go through for this..These are not necessary, You can use apache httpclient for that.
For better understandings, go through
Top 5 Android libraries every Android developer should know about
The Best Android Networking Library for Fast and Easy Networking
Using Kotlin in Android Studio 3.0 (Part 4) - DZone Mobile
These may help you.
Best of luck