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//	IASKSettingsReader.m
//	Copyright (c) 2009:
//	Luc Vandal, Edovia Inc.,
//	Ortwin Gentz, FutureTap GmbH,
//	All rights reserved.
//	It is appreciated but not required that you give credit to Luc Vandal and Ortwin Gentz, 
//	as the original authors of this code. You can give credit in a blog post, a tweet or on 
//	a info page of your app. Also, the original authors appreciate letting them know if you use this code.
//	This code is licensed under the BSD license that is available at:

#import "IASKSettingsReader.h"
#import "IASKSpecifier.h"

@interface IASKSettingsReader (private)
- (void)_reinterpretBundle:(NSDictionary*)settingsBundle;
- (BOOL)_sectionHasHeading:(NSInteger)section;
- (NSString *)platformSuffix;
- (NSString *)locateSettingsFile:(NSString *)file;


@implementation IASKSettingsReader

@synthesize path=_path,
hiddenKeys = _hiddenKeys;

- (id)init {
	return [self initWithFile:@"Root"];

- (id)initWithFile:(NSString*)file {
	if ((self=[super init])) {

		self.path = [self locateSettingsFile: file]; ///셋팅파일 plist  path
		[self setSettingsBundle:[NSDictionary dictionaryWithContentsOfFile:self.path]];//setSettingsBundle 에 내용 저장
self.bundlePath = [self.path stringByDeletingLastPathComponent]; _bundle = [NSBundle bundleWithPath:[self bundlePath]]; // Look for localization file self.localizationTable = [self.settingsBundle objectForKey:@"StringsTable"]; if (!self.localizationTable) { // Look for localization file using filename self.localizationTable = [[[[self.path stringByDeletingPathExtension] // removes '.plist' stringByDeletingPathExtension] // removes potential '.inApp' lastPathComponent] // strip absolute path stringByReplacingOccurrencesOfString:[self platformSuffix] withString:@""]; // removes potential '~device' (~ipad, ~iphone) if([_bundle pathForResource:self.localizationTable ofType:@"strings"] == nil){ // Could not find the specified localization: use default self.localizationTable = @"Root"; } } if (_settingsBundle) { [self _reinterpretBundle:_settingsBundle]; } } return self; } - (void)dealloc { _path = nil; _localizationTable = nil; _bundlePath = nil; _settingsBundle = nil; _dataSource = nil; _bundle = nil; _hiddenKeys = nil; } - (void)setHiddenKeys:(NSSet *)anHiddenKeys { if (_hiddenKeys != anHiddenKeys) { _hiddenKeys = anHiddenKeys; if (_settingsBundle) { [self _reinterpretBundle:_settingsBundle]; } } } - (void)_reinterpretBundle:(NSDictionary*)settingsBundle { NSArray *preferenceSpecifiers = [settingsBundle objectForKey:kIASKPreferenceSpecifiers]; NSInteger sectionCount = -1; NSMutableArray *dataSource = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init]; for (NSDictionary *specifier in preferenceSpecifiers) { if ([self.hiddenKeys containsObject:[specifier objectForKey:kIASKKey]]) { continue; } if ([(NSString*)[specifier objectForKey:kIASKType] isEqualToString:kIASKPSGroupSpecifier]) { NSMutableArray *newArray = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init]; [newArray addObject:specifier]; [dataSource addObject:newArray]; sectionCount++; } else { if (sectionCount == -1) { NSMutableArray *newArray = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init]; [dataSource addObject:newArray]; sectionCount++; } IASKSpecifier *newSpecifier = [[IASKSpecifier alloc] initWithSpecifier:specifier]; [(NSMutableArray*)[dataSource objectAtIndex:sectionCount] addObject:newSpecifier]; } } [self setDataSource:dataSource]; } - (BOOL)_sectionHasHeading:(NSInteger)section { return [[[[self dataSource] objectAtIndex:section] objectAtIndex:0] isKindOfClass:[NSDictionary class]]; } - (NSInteger)numberOfSections { return [[self dataSource] count]; } - (NSInteger)numberOfRowsForSection:(NSInteger)section { int headingCorrection = [self _sectionHasHeading:section] ? 1 : 0; return [(NSArray*)[[self dataSource] objectAtIndex:section] count] - headingCorrection; } - (IASKSpecifier*)specifierForIndexPath:(NSIndexPath*)indexPath { int headingCorrection = [self _sectionHasHeading:indexPath.section] ? 1 : 0; IASKSpecifier *specifier = [[[self dataSource] objectAtIndex:indexPath.section] objectAtIndex:(indexPath.row+headingCorrection)]; specifier.settingsReader = self; return specifier; } - (NSIndexPath*)indexPathForKey:(NSString *)key { for (NSUInteger sectionIndex = 0; sectionIndex < self.dataSource.count; sectionIndex++) { NSArray *section = [self.dataSource objectAtIndex:sectionIndex]; for (NSUInteger rowIndex = 0; rowIndex < section.count; rowIndex++) { IASKSpecifier *specifier = (IASKSpecifier*)[section objectAtIndex:rowIndex]; if ([specifier isKindOfClass:[IASKSpecifier class]] && [specifier.key isEqualToString:key]) { NSUInteger correctedRowIndex = rowIndex - [self _sectionHasHeading:sectionIndex]; return [NSIndexPath indexPathForRow:correctedRowIndex inSection:sectionIndex]; } } } return nil; } - (IASKSpecifier*)specifierForKey:(NSString*)key { for (NSArray *specifiers in _dataSource) { for (id sp in specifiers) { if ([sp isKindOfClass:[IASKSpecifier class]]) { if ([[sp key] isEqualToString:key]) { return sp; } } } } return nil; } - (NSString*)titleForSection:(NSInteger)section { if ([self _sectionHasHeading:section]) { NSDictionary *dict = [[[self dataSource] objectAtIndex:section] objectAtIndex:kIASKSectionHeaderIndex]; return [self titleForStringId:[dict objectForKey:kIASKTitle]]; } return nil; } - (NSString*)keyForSection:(NSInteger)section { if ([self _sectionHasHeading:section]) { return [[[[self dataSource] objectAtIndex:section] objectAtIndex:kIASKSectionHeaderIndex] objectForKey:kIASKKey]; } return nil; } - (NSString*)footerTextForSection:(NSInteger)section { if ([self _sectionHasHeading:section]) { NSDictionary *dict = [[[self dataSource] objectAtIndex:section] objectAtIndex:kIASKSectionHeaderIndex]; return [self titleForStringId:[dict objectForKey:kIASKFooterText]]; } return nil; } - (NSString*)titleForStringId:(NSString*)stringId { return [_bundle localizedStringForKey:stringId value:stringId table:self.localizationTable]; } - (NSString*)pathForImageNamed:(NSString*)image { return [[self bundlePath] stringByAppendingPathComponent:image]; } - (NSString *)platformSuffix { BOOL isPad = NO; #if (__IPHONE_OS_VERSION_MAX_ALLOWED >= 30200) isPad = UI_USER_INTERFACE_IDIOM() == UIUserInterfaceIdiomPad; #endif return isPad ? @"~ipad" : @"~iphone"; } - (NSString *)file:(NSString *)file withBundle:(NSString *)bundle suffix:(NSString *)suffix extension:(NSString *)extension { NSString *appBundle = [[NSBundle mainBundle] bundlePath]; bundle = [appBundle stringByAppendingPathComponent:bundle]; file = [file stringByAppendingFormat:@"%@%@", suffix, extension]; return [bundle stringByAppendingPathComponent:file]; } - (NSString *)locateSettingsFile: (NSString *)file { // The file is searched in the following order: // // InAppSettings.bundle/FILE~DEVICE.inApp.plist // InAppSettings.bundle/FILE.inApp.plist // InAppSettings.bundle/FILE~DEVICE.plist // InAppSettings.bundle/FILE.plist // Settings.bundle/FILE~DEVICE.inApp.plist // Settings.bundle/FILE.inApp.plist // Settings.bundle/FILE~DEVICE.plist // Settings.bundle/FILE.plist // // where DEVICE is either "iphone" or "ipad" depending on the current // interface idiom. // // uses the ~DEVICE suffixes since iOS 4.0. There are some // differences from this implementation: // - For an iPhone-only app running on iPad, will not use the // ~iphone suffix. There is no point in using these suffixes outside // of universal apps anyway. // - This implementation uses the device suffixes on iOS 3.x as well. // - also check current locale (short only) NSArray *bundles = [NSArray arrayWithObjects:kIASKBundleFolderAlt, kIASKBundleFolder, nil]; NSArray *extensions = [NSArray arrayWithObjects:@".inApp.plist", @".plist", nil]; NSArray *suffixes = [NSArray arrayWithObjects:[self platformSuffix], @"", nil]; NSArray *languages = [NSArray arrayWithObjects:[[[NSLocale preferredLanguages] objectAtIndex:0] stringByAppendingString:KIASKBundleLocaleFolderExtension], @"", nil]; NSString *path = nil; NSFileManager *fileManager = [NSFileManager defaultManager]; for (NSString *bundle in bundles) { for (NSString *extension in extensions) { for (NSString *suffix in suffixes) { for (NSString *language in languages) { path = [self file:file withBundle:[bundle stringByAppendingPathComponent:language] suffix:suffix extension:extension]; if ([fileManager fileExistsAtPath:path]) { goto exitFromNestedLoop; } } } } } exitFromNestedLoop: return path; } @end
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