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   ◎위챗 : speedseoul



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I am new to ios programming,i created a class books which takes some values dynamically,so i am trying to set value for some params in book object,i am getting exception.


@property (strong,nonatomic)  NSString *bookId;
@property (strong,nonatomic)  NSString *bookStatus;
@property (strong,nonatomic)  NSString *bookName;
Book * book =[Book alloc]init];
[book setValue:@"textbook" forKey:@"bookName"]; //not working
book.bookStatus=@"textbook"  //not working
[book setbookStatus:@"textbook"];  //not working

I am getting exception [_NSCFDictionary setbookStatus] unrecognized selector

  • 1
    Is this your actual code? How is you Book class defined? What is the @interface code? The exception shows that you tried to call setBookStatus on an instance of NSDictionary. You can just say book.bookName=@"textbook"; – Paulw11 Apr 16 '16 at 6:36 
  • try book.bookName = @"bookName" – Prashant Tukadiya Apr 16 '16 at 6:37
  • i wrote code in shorter format for understanding,i tried but still getting exception @PKT – skyshine Apr 16 '16 at 6:39

Simply you can use,

self.bookName = @"yourBookName";
self.bookStatus = @"bookStatus";

You can use self to call current class object likw this in java.

If you want to access it from another class then import Book to that class and make instance of it and by that instance you can call it,s property like,

Book *myBook = [[Book alloc]init];
NSString *str = myBook.bookName;

hope this will help ;)


Create the properties in the .h(Book.h) class to make properties as public. Then you can directly access the properties by dot(.)

Book *book = [[Book alloc] init];
book.bookId = @“1234
book.bookName = @“name
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