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List of Articles
번호 제목 글쓴이 날짜 조회 수
142 OpenSIPS Module Interface admin 2017-12-07 49661
141 opensips configuration config explain easy basic 오픈쉽스 컨피그레이션 기본 설명 file admin 2017-12-07 29285
140 openssl 을 이용한 인증서 생성 절차를 정리한다. 개인키 CSR SSL 인증서 파일 생성 admin 2017-09-14 29609
139 Documentation -> Tutorials -> TLS opensips.cfg admin 2017-09-14 30375
138 Using TLS in OpenSIPS v2.2.x admin 2017-09-14 51121
137 opensips tls cfg admin 2017-09-14 35365
136 How to setup a Jabber / XMPP server on Debian 8 (jessie) using ejabberd admin 2017-09-13 133464
135 SIP to XMPP Gateway + SIP Presence Server opensips admin 2017-09-13 57636
134 OpenSIPS command line tricks admin 2017-09-13 51350
133 Fail2Ban Freeswitch How to secure admin 2017-09-12 67168
» opensips.cfg. sample admin 2017-09-12 29404
131 Advanced SIP scenarios with Event-based-Routing admin 2017-09-11 39805
130 PUSH SERVER 푸시서버 안드로이드 애플 admin 2017-09-11 221512
129 오픈소스 (사내)메신저 서버 구축, 오픈 파이어(openfire) 설치방법과 세팅(리눅스 기준) admin 2017-09-09 81037
128 rtpengine config basic and opensips configuration and command admin 2017-09-06 60421
127 WebSocket Transport using OpenSIPS configuration 웹 소켓 컨피그레이션 기본 admin 2017-09-06 25940
126 OpenSIPS basic configuration script 기본 컨피그 admin 2017-09-05 114066
125 rtpengine install and config admin 2017-09-05 64224
124 Installing RTPEngine on Ubuntu 14.04 admin 2017-09-05 36751
123 compile only the textops module make modules=modules/textops modules admin 2017-09-05 24634
122 opensips command /sbin/opensipsctl detail admin 2017-09-04 133919
121 2017 08 31 opensips 2.32 install debian8.8 module install compile err modules admin 2017-09-04 48494
120 Build-Depends debian 8.8 opensips 2.3 admin 2017-09-04 70438
119 What is new in 2.3.0 opensips admin 2017-09-04 258549
118 ubuntu 安装配置opensips,rtpproxy,mediaproxy admin 2017-09-04 28616
117 How to install Mediaproxy 2.5.2 on CentOS 6 64 bit admin 2017-09-04 152904
116 Using TLS in OpenSIPS v2.2.x configuration admin 2017-09-04 52332
115 How to 2.3 download , OpenSIPS new apt repository. DEBs for Debian / Ubuntu admin 2017-09-02 24286
114 You can install CDRTool in the following ways: admin 2017-09-01 25420
113 How to Install OpenSIPS 2.1.2 Server on Ubuntu 15.04 admin 2017-09-01 31093