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   ◎위챗 : speedseoul



    before pay call 0088 from app

TLS_MGM module

Peter Griffiths


Klaus Darilion

Edited by

Klaus Darilion

Edited by

Bogdan-Andrei Iancu

Edited by

Cesc Santasusana

Edited by

Klaus Darilion

Edited by

Christian Lahme

Edited by

Ionut-Razvan Ionita

Edited by

Marius Cristian Eseanu

Edited by

Robert-Vladut Patrascu

   Copyright © 2005 Voice Sistem SRL

   Copyright © 2005 Cesc Santasusana

   Copyright © 2006

   Copyright © 2013 Secusmart GmbH

   Copyright © 2015 OpenSIPS Solutions

   Table of Contents

   1. Admin Guide

        1.1. Overview
        1.2. Usage
        1.3. TLS domains
        1.4. Defining TLS domains
        1.5. Dependencies of external libraries
        1.6. Exported Functions

              1.6.1. is_peer_verified

        1.7. Exported MI Functions

              1.7.1. tls_list
              1.7.2. tls_reload

        1.8. OpenSIPS Exported parameters

              1.8.1. listen=interface
              1.8.2. tls_method ([domain]string)
              1.8.3. certificate ([domain](string)
              1.8.4. private_key ([domain](string)
              1.8.5. ca_list ([domain](string)
              1.8.6. ca_dir ([domain](string)
              1.8.7. ciphers_list ([domain](string)
              1.8.8. dh_params ([domain](string)
              1.8.9. ec_curve ([domain](string)
              1.8.10. verify_cert ([domain](string) and
                      require_cert ([domain](string)

              1.8.11. tls_handshake_timeout (integer) and
                      tls_send_timeout (integer)

              1.8.12. client_domain_avp (integer)
              1.8.13. db_url (string)
              1.8.14. db_table (string)
              1.8.15. domain_col (string)
              1.8.16. address_col (string)
              1.8.17. tls_method_col (string)
              1.8.18. verify_cert_col (string)
              1.8.19. require_cert_col (string)
              1.8.20. certificate_col (string)
              1.8.21. private_key_col (string)
              1.8.22. crl_check_all_col (string)
              1.8.23. crl_dir_col (string)
              1.8.24. ca_list_col (string)
              1.8.25. ca_dir_col (string)
              1.8.26. cipher_list_col (string)
              1.8.27. dh_params_col (string)
              1.8.28. ec_curve_col (string)
              1.8.29. server_domain, client_domain (string)

        1.9. Variables

              1.9.1. $tls_version
              1.9.2. $tls_description
              1.9.3. $tls_cipher_info
              1.9.4. $tls_cipher_bits
              1.9.5. $tls_[peer|my]_version
              1.9.6. $tls_[peer|my]_serial
              1.9.7. $tls_[peer|my]_[subject|issuer]
              1.9.8. $tls_[peer|my]_[subject|issuer]_cn
              1.9.9. $tls_[peer|my]_[subject|issuer]_locality
              1.9.10. $tls_[peer|my]_[subject|issuer]_country
              1.9.11. $tls_[peer|my]_[subject|issuer]_state
              1.9.12. $tls_[peer|my]_[subject|issuer]_organization
              1.9.13. $tls_[peer|my]_[subject|issuer]_unit
              1.9.14. $tls_[peer|my]_san_email
              1.9.15. $tls_[peer|my]_san_hostname
              1.9.16. $tls_[peer|my]_san_uri
              1.9.17. $tls_[peer|my]_san_ip
              1.9.18. $tls_peer_verified
              1.9.19. $tls_peer_revoked
              1.9.20. $tls_peer_expired
              1.9.21. $tls_peer_selfsigned
              1.9.22. $tls_peer_notBefore
              1.9.23. $tls_peer_notAfter

        1.10. OpenSIPS with TLS - script example
        1.11. Debug TLS connections

   2. Developer Guide

        2.1. API Functions

              2.1.1. find_server_domain
              2.1.2. find_client_domain
              2.1.3. get_handshake_timeout
              2.1.4. get_send_timeout

        2.2. TLS_CONFIG
        2.3. TLS_INIT

              2.3.1. ssl context
              2.3.2. pre_init_tls
              2.3.3. init_tls
              2.3.4. destroy_tls
              2.3.5. tls_init
              2.3.6. os_malloc, os_realloc, os_free

        2.4. TLS_DOMAIN

              2.4.1. tls_domains
              2.4.2. tls_find_server_domain
              2.4.3. tls_find_client_domain
              2.4.4. tls_find_client_domain_addr
              2.4.5. tls_find_client_domain_name
              2.4.6. tls_new__domain
              2.4.7. tls_new_server_domain
              2.4.8. tls_new_client_domain
              2.4.9. tls_new_client_domain_name
              2.4.10. tls_free_domains

   List of Examples

   1.1. is_peer_verified usage
   1.2. Set listen variable
   1.3. Set tls_method variable
   1.4. Set certificate variable
   1.5. Set private_key variable
   1.6. Set ca_list variable
   1.7. Set ca_dir variable
   1.8. Set ciphers_list variable
   1.9. Set dh_params variable
   1.10. Set verify_cert & require_cert variable
   1.11. Set tls_handshake_timeout & tls_send_timeout variable
   1.12. Set tls_client_domain_avp variable
   1.13. Usage of db_url block
   1.14. Usage of db_table block
   1.15. Usage of domain_col block
   1.16. Usage of address_col block
   1.17. Usage of tls_method_col block
   1.18. Usage of vertify_cert_col block
   1.19. Usage of require_cert_col block
   1.20. Usage of certificate_col block
   1.21. Usage of private_key_col block
   1.22. Usage of crl_check_all block
   1.23. Usage of crl_dir_col block
   1.24. Usage of ca_list_col block
   1.25. Usage of ca_dir_col block
   1.26. Usage of cipher_list_col block
   1.27. Usage of dh_params_col block
   1.28. Usage of ec_curve_col block
   1.29. Usage of tls_client_domain and tls_server_domain block
   1.30. Example of $tls_[peer|my]_[subject|issuer]
   1.31. Script with TLS support
   1.32. Example of TLS logging

Chapter 1. Admin Guide

1.1. Overview

   This module is a management module for TLS certificates and
   parameters. It provides an interfaces for all the modules that
   use the TLS protocol. It also implements TLS related functions
   to use in the routing script, and exports pseudo variables with
   certificate and TLS parameters.

1.2. Usage

   This module is used to provision TLS certificates and
   parameters for all the modules that use TLS transport (like
   proto_tls or proto_wss). The module supports multiple virtual
   domains that can be assigned to different listeners (servers)
   or new connections (clients). Each TLS module that uses this
   management module should assign itself to one or more domains.

   The module allows the definition of the TLS domains both via
   module parameters (script level) and via an SQL table.

   A script example which details this module's usage can be found
   in Section 1.10, “OpenSIPS with TLS - script example”.

1.3. TLS domains

   The wording 'TLS domain' means that this TLS connection will
   have different parameters than another TLS connection (from
   another TLS domain). Thus, TLS domains are not directly related
   to different SIP domains, although they are often used in
   common. Depending on the direction of the TLS handshake, a TLS
   domain is called 'client domain' (=outgouing TLS connection) or
   'server domain' (= incoming TLS connection).

   If you only run one domain, a default domain is enough. If you
   are running several TLS servers (that is, you have more than
   one listen=tls:ip:port entry in the config file), you can
   specify some parameters for each of them separately (not all
   the above).

   For example, TLS domains can be used in virtual hosting
   scenarios with TLS. OpenSIPS offers SIP service for multiple
   domains, e.g. and Altough both domains
   will be hosted a single SIP proxy, the SIP proxy needs 2
   certificates: One for and one for For
   incoming TLS connections, the SIP proxy has to present the
   respective certificate during the TLS handshake. As the SIP
   proxy does not have a received SIP message yet (this is done
   after the TLS handshake), the SIP proxy can not retrieve the
   target domain (which will be usually retrieved from the domain
   in the request URI). Thus, distinction for these domains must
   be done by using multiple sockets. The socket on which the TLS
   connection is received, identifies the respective domain. Thus
   the SIP proxy is able to present the proper certificate.

   For outgoing TLS connections, the SIP proxy usually has to
   provide a client certificate. In this scenario, socket based
   distinction is not preferable as there is no dedicated outgoing
   socket. Thus, the certificate selection (selection of the
   proper TLS client domain) can be name based. If the SIP proxy
   establishes a new outgoing TLS connection, it checks for the
   TLS client domain AVP (parameter tls_client_domain_avp). If
   this AVP is set (e.g. in OpenSIPS.cfg), OpenSIPS searches for a
   TLS client domain with the same name as the AVP value and uses
   the associated certificates.

   TLS client domains can also be matched by socket. If no TLS
   client domain AVP is found, OpenSIPS searches for a TLS client
   domain based on the destination socket of the underlying
   outgoing TCP connection that must match with the defined
   address for a client domain.

   Note: If there is already an existing TLS connection to the
   remote target, it will be reused wether the TLS client domain
   AVP matches or not.

   NOTE: Make sure to also configure OpenSIPS to listen on the
   specified IP:port.

   NOTE: Except tls_handshake_timeout and tls_send_timeout all TLS
   parameters can be set per TLS domain. If a parameter is not
   explicit set, the default value will be used.

   It's usable only if TLS support was compiled.

1.4. Defining TLS domains

   TLS domains can be defined in two ways:
     * by setting the server_domain or client_domain module
     * by provisioning in DB

   For the domains defined in the DB, the certificate, private
   key, list of trusted CAs and Diffie-Hellman parameters are
   provisioned as BLOB values whether for script defined domains
   you must provide path to files.

   When a TLS domain can't be chosen for an outgoing or incoming
   TLS connection the default client or server domain is used. A
   default domain is automatically created (with default settings)
   but you can also set the certificate, private key etc. in the
   same way as for other domains (through the module parameters or
   by DB).

   The default domains from the DB (provisioned with the domain
   name default) overwrite the standard default domains even if
   you have set ceratain parameters (certificate, ca_list etc.)
   for the default domain through the script. When defining
   default domains in the DB you can specificy a default client or
   server domain separately or a single specification to be used
   for both scenarios.

   You can define domains both in the DB and script at the same
   time (even default domains).

   For any TLS domain (defined through script or DB, default or
   virtual) if not specified otherwise, the default settings are:
     * method - SSLv23
     * verify_cert - 1
     * require_cert - 1
     * certificate - CFG_DIR/tls/cert.pem
     * private_key - CFG_DIR/tls/ckey.pem
     * crl_check_all - 0
     * crl_dir - none
     * ca_list - none
     * ca_dir - /etc/pki/CA/
     * cipher_list - the OpenSSL default ciphers
     * dh_params - none
     * ec_curve - none

1.5. Dependencies of external libraries

   OpenSIPS TLS v1.0 support requires the following packages:
     * openssl or libssl >= 0.9.6
     * openssl-dev or libssl-dev

   OpenSIPS TLS v1.1/1.2 support requires the following packages:
     * openssl or libssl >= 1.0.1e
     * openssl-dev or libssl-dev

1.6. Exported Functions

1.6.1.  is_peer_verified

   Returns 1 if the message is received via TLS and the peer was
   verified during TLS connection handshake, otherwise it returns

   This function can be used from REQUEST_ROUTE.

   Example 1.1. is_peer_verified usage
if (is_peer_verified()) {
        xlog("L_INFO","request from verified TLS peer\n");
} else {
        xlog("L_INFO","request not verified\n");

1.7. Exported MI Functions

1.7.1.  tls_list

   List all domains information.

1.7.2.  tls_reload

   Reloads the TLS domains information from the database. The
   previous DB defined domains are discarded but the script
   defined domains are preserved. If no new default client or
   server domains is loaded and previously the default was DB
   defined, the standard default domain is reinstated.

1.8. OpenSIPS Exported parameters

   All these parameters can be used from the opensips.cfg file, to
   configure the behavior of OpenSIPS-TLS.

1.8.1. listen=interface

   Not specific to TLS. Allows to specify the protocol (udp, tcp,
   tls), the IP address and the port where the listening server
   will be.

   Example 1.2. Set listen variable
listen = tls:

1.8.2. tls_method ([domain]string)

   Sets the TLS protocol. The domain, if set, represents the name
   of the TLS domain. TLS method which can be:
     * TLSv1_2 - means OpenSIPS will accept only TLSv1.2
       connections (rfc3261 conformant).
     * TLSv1 - means OpenSIPS will accept only TLSv1 connections
       (rfc3261 conformant).
     * SSLv3 - means OpenSIPS will accept only SSLv3 connections
     * SSLv2 - means OpenSIPS will accept only SSLv2 connections
       (almost all old clients support this).
     * SSLv23 - means OpenSIPS will accept any of the above
       methods, but the initial SSL hello must be v2 (in the
       initial hello all the supported protocols are advertised
       enabling switching to a higher and more secure version).
       The initial v2 hello means it will not accept connections
       from SSLv3 or TLSv1 only clients.

   Default value is SSLv23.


   Best is to use SSLv23, for extended compatibility. Using any of
   the other will restrict the version to just that one version.
   In fact, SSLv2 is disabled in the source code; to use it, you
   need to edit tls/tls_init.c

   If you want RFC3261 conformance and all your clients support
   TLSv1 (or you are planning to use encrypted "tunnels" only
   between different OpenSIPS proxies) use TLSv1. If you want to
   support older clients use SSLv23 (in fact most of the
   applications with SSL support use the SSLv23 method).

   Example 1.3. Set tls_method variable
modparam("tls_mgm", "tls_method", "TLSv1")
modparam("tls_mgm", "tls_method", "[dom]TLSv1")

1.8.3. certificate ([domain](string)

   Public certificate file for OpenSIPS. It will be used as
   server-side certificate for incoming TLS connections, and as a
   client-side certificate for outgoing TLS connections. The
   domain, if set, represents the name of the TLS domain.

   Default value is "CFG_DIR/tls/cert.pem".

   Example 1.4. Set certificate variable
modparam("tls_mgm", "certificate", "/mycerts/certs/opensips_server_cert.
modparam("tls_mgm", "certificate", "[dom]/mycerts/certs/opensips_server_

1.8.4. private_key ([domain](string)

   Private key of the above certificate. I must be kept in a safe
   place with tight permissions! The domain, if set, represents
   the name of the TLS omain.

   Default value is "CFG_DIR/tls/ckey.pem".

   Example 1.5. Set private_key variable
modparam("tls_mgm", "private_key", "/mycerts/private/prik.pem")
modparam("tls_mgm", "private_key", "[dom]/mycerts/private/prik.pem")

1.8.5. ca_list ([domain](string)

   List of trusted CAs. The file contains the certificates
   accepted, one after the other. It MUST be a file, not a folder.
   The domain, if set, represents the name of the TLS domain.

   Default value is "".

   Example 1.6. Set ca_list variable
modparam("tls_mgm", "ca_list", "/mycerts/certs/ca_list.pem")
modparam("tls_mgm", "ca_list", "[dom]/mycerts/certs/ca_list.pem")

1.8.6. ca_dir ([domain](string)

   Directory storing trusted CAs. The path contains the
   certificates accepted, each as hash which is linked to
   certificate file. The domain, if set, represents the name of
   the TLS domain.

   Default value is "/etc/pki/CA/".

   Example 1.7. Set ca_dir variable
modparam("tls_mgm", "ca_dir", "/mycerts/certs")
modparam("tls_mgm", "ca_dir", "[dom]/mycerts/certs")

1.8.7. ciphers_list ([domain](string)

   You can specify the list of algorithms for authentication and
   encryption that you allow. The domain, if set, represents the
   name of the TLS domain. To obtain a list of ciphers and then
   choose, use the openssl application:
     * openssl ciphers 'ALL:eNULL:!LOW:!EXPORT'


   Do not use the NULL algorithms (no encryption) ... only for

   It defaults to the OpenSSL default ciphers.

   Example 1.8. Set ciphers_list variable
modparam("tls_mgm", "ciphers_list", "NULL")
modparam("tls_mgm", "ciphers_list", "[dom]NULL")

1.8.8. dh_params ([domain](string)

   You can specify a file which contains Diffie-Hellman parameters
   as a PEM-file. This is needed if you would like to specify
   ciphers including Diffie-Hellman mode. The domain, if set,
   represents the name of the TLS domain.

   It defaults to not set a dh param file.

   Example 1.9. Set dh_params variable
modparam("tls_mgm", "dh_params", "/etc/pki/CA/dh1024.pem")
modparam("tls_mgm", "dh_params", "[dom]/etc/pki/CA/dh1024.pem")

1.8.9. ec_curve ([domain](string)

   You can specify an elliptic curve which should be used for
   ciphers which demand an elliptic curve. The domain, if set,
   represents the name of the TLS domain.

   It's usable only if TLS v1.1/1.2 support was compiled. A list
   of curves which can be used you can get by
                                openssl ecparam -list_curves

   It defaults to not set a elliptic curve.

1.8.10. verify_cert ([domain](string) and require_cert

   Technically, verify_cert activates SSL_VERIFY_PEER in the
   ssl_context. 'require_cert' does the same with
   SSL_VERIFY_FAIL_IF_NO_PEER_CERT, which is only possible if
   SSL_VERIFY_PEER is also turned on. Since version 2.1, these
   parameters act have been reduced to only one. They act both on
   client side and server side if no domain specified, elseway
   they act on a specific domain, depending on the first

   These two parameters are used for incoming TLS connections,
   where OpenSIPS acts as server.

   It's usable only if TLS support was compiled.

   Default value for both is 1.

   Example 1.10. Set verify_cert & require_cert variable
# turn on the strictest and strongest authentication possible
modparam("tls_mgm", "require_cert", "1")
modparam("tls_mgm", "require_cert", "[dom]1")
modparam("tls_mgm", "verify_cert", "0")
modparam("tls_mgm", "verify_cert", "[dom]1")

1.8.11. tls_handshake_timeout (integer) and tls_send_timeout

   Timeouts ... advanced users only

   Default value for both is 30.

   Example 1.11. Set tls_handshake_timeout & tls_send_timeout
modparam("tls_mgm", "tls_handshake_timeout", 119) # number of seconds
modparam("tls_mgm", "tls_send_timeout", 121) # number of seconds

1.8.12. client_domain_avp (integer)

   This sets the AVP used for name based TLS client domain
   matching (please see Section 1.8.29, “server_domain,
   client_domain (string)” for more details). Setting the value to
   0 disables name based TLS client domain matching.

   It's usable only if TLS support was compiled.

   Default value is 0.

   Example 1.12. Set tls_client_domain_avp variable
modparam("tls_mgm", "tls_client_domain_avp", "tls_cli_dom")

1.8.13. db_url (string)

   The database url. It cannot be NULL.

   Example 1.13. Usage of db_url block
modparam("tls_mgm", "db_url", "mysql://root:admin@localhost/opensips")

1.8.14.  db_table (string)

   Sets the database table name.

   Default value is "tls_mgm".

   Example 1.14. Usage of db_table block
modparam("tls_mgm", "db_table", "tls_mgm")

1.8.15.  domain_col (string)

   Sets the name.for the TLS domain column.

   Default value is "domain".

   Example 1.15. Usage of domain_col block
modparam("tls_mgm", "domain_col", "tls_domain")

1.8.16.  address_col (string)

   Sets the address column name.

   Default value is "address".

   Example 1.16. Usage of address_col block
modparam("tls_mgm", "address_col", "addr")

1.8.17.  tls_method_col (string)

   Sets the method column name.

   Default value is "method".

   Example 1.17. Usage of tls_method_col block
modparam("tls_mgm", "tls_method_col", "method")

1.8.18.  verify_cert_col (string)

   Sets the verrify certificate column name.

   Default value is "verify_cert".

   Example 1.18. Usage of vertify_cert_col block
modparam("tls_mgm", "verify_cert_col", "verify_cert")

1.8.19.  require_cert_col (string)

   Sets the require certificate column name.

   Default value is "require_cert".

   Example 1.19. Usage of require_cert_col block
modparam("tls_mgm", "require_cert_col", "req")

1.8.20.  certificate_col (string)

   Sets the certificate column name.

   Default value is "certificate".

   Example 1.20. Usage of certificate_col block
modparam("tls_mgm", "certificate_col", "certificate")

1.8.21.  private_key_col (string)

   Sets the private key column name.

   Default value is "private_key".

   Example 1.21. Usage of private_key_col block
modparam("tls_mgm", "private_key_col", "pk")

1.8.22.  crl_check_all_col (string)

   Sets the crl_check_all column name.

   Default value is "crl_check_all".

   Example 1.22. Usage of crl_check_all block
modparam("tls_mgm", "crl_check_all_col", "crl_check")

1.8.23.  crl_dir_col (string)

   Sets the crl directory column name.

   Default value is "crl_dir".

   Example 1.23. Usage of crl_dir_col block
modparam("tls_mgm", "crl_dir_col", "crl_dir")

1.8.24.  ca_list_col (string)

   Sets the CA list column name.

   Default value is "ca_list".

   Example 1.24. Usage of ca_list_col block
modparam("tls_mgm", "ca_list_col", "ca_list")

1.8.25.  ca_dir_col (string)

   Sets the CA directory column name.

   Default value is "ca_dir".

   Example 1.25. Usage of ca_dir_col block
modparam("tls_mgm", "ca_dir_col", "ca_dir")

1.8.26.  cipher_list_col (string)

   Sets the cipher list column name.

   Default value is "cipher_list".

   Example 1.26. Usage of cipher_list_col block
modparam("tls_mgm", "cipher_list_col", "cipher_list")

1.8.27.  dh_params_col (string)

   Sets the Diffie-Hellmann parameters column name.

   Default value is "dh_params".

   Example 1.27. Usage of dh_params_col block
modparam("tls_mgm", "dh_params_col", "dh_parms")

1.8.28.  ec_curve_col (string)

   Sets the ec_curve column name.

   Default value is "ec_curve".

   Example 1.28. Usage of ec_curve_col block
modparam("tls_mgm", "ec_curve_col", "ec_curve")

1.8.29. server_domain, client_domain (string)

   You can define virtual TLS domains through these parameters.

   The syntax for defining a domain is "domain=IP:port" where the
   'domain' is the domain name and the address part is optional
   for client domains.

   Example 1.29. Usage of tls_client_domain and tls_server_domain
# set the TLS client domain AVP
modparam("proto_tls", "tls_client_domain_avp", "tls_cli_dom")

# 'atlanta' server domain
modparam("tls_mgm", "server_domain", "dom1=IP_2:port2")

modparam("tls_mgm", "certificate", "[dom1]/certs/")
modparam("tls_mgm", "private_key", "[dom1]/certs/
modparam("tls_mgm", "ca_list", "[dom1]/certs/wellknownCAs")
modparam("tls_mgm", "tls_method", "[dom1]tlsv1")
modparam("tls_mgm", "verify_cert", "[dom1]1")
modparam("tls_mgm", "require_cert", "[dom1]1")

#'biloxy' server domain

modparam("tls_mgm", "server_domain", "dom2=IP_3:port3")

modparam("tls_mgm", "certificate", "[dom2]/certs/")
modparam("tls_mgm", "private_key", "[dom2]/certs/"
modparam("tls_mgm", "ca_list", "[dom2]/certs/wellknownCAs")
modparam("tls_mgm", "tls_method", "[dom2]tlsv1")
modparam("tls_mgm", "verify_cert", "[dom2]1")
modparam("tls_mgm", "require_cert", "[dom2]1")

# 'atlanta' client domain
modparam("tls_mgm", "client_domain", "dom3")

modparam("tls_mgm", "certificate", "[dom3]/certs/")
modparam("tls_mgm", "private_key", "[dom3]/certs/
modparam("tls_mgm", "ca_list", "[dom3]/certs/wellknownCAs")
modparam("tls_mgm", "tls_method", "[dom3]tlsv1")
modparam("tls_mgm", "verify_cert", "[dom3]1")
modparam("tls_mgm", "require_cert", "[dom3]1")

#'biloxy' client domain
modparam("tls_mgm", "client_domain", "dom4")

modparam("tls_mgm", "certificate", "[dom4]/certs/")
modparam("tls_mgm", "private_key", "[dom4]/certs/"
modparam("tls_mgm", "ca_list", "[dom4]/certs/wellknownCAs")
modparam("tls_mgm", "tls_method", "[dom4]tlsv1")
modparam("tls_mgm", "verify_cert", "[dom4]1")
modparam("tls_mgm", "require_cert", "[dom4]1")

# socket based TLS server domains (for TLS based downstream from GW prov
modparam("tls_mgm", "client_domain", "dom5=IP_5:port5")

modparam("tls_mgm", "certificate", "[dom5]/certs/")
modparam("tls_mgm", "private_key", "[dom5]/certs/
modparam("tls_mgm", "ca_list", "[dom5]/certs/wellknownCAs")
modparam("tls_mgm", "tls_method", "[dom5]tlsv1")
modparam("tls_mgm", "verify_cert", "[dom5]0")

# socket based TLS client domains (for TLS based upstream to GW provider
# GW IP:, GW port: 6677
modparam("tls_mgm", "client_domain", "dom6=")

modparam("tls_mgm", "certificate", "[dom6]/certs/")
modparam("tls_mgm", "private_key", "[dom6]/certs/"
modparam("tls_mgm", "ca_list", "[dom6]/certs/wellknownCAs")
modparam("tls_mgm", "tls_method", "[dom6]tlsv1")
modparam("tls_mgm", "verify_cert", "[dom6]0")

    # for biloxy or atlanta domains we set the TLS client domain AVP
    if ($rd == "")
        $avp(tls_cli_dom) = "dom3";
    else if ($rd == "")
        $avp(tls_cli_dom) = "dom4";
    # calls to other SIP domains
    # set the proper SSL context (certificate) for local hosted domains
    t_relay(); # uses NAPTR and SRV lookups
    # calls to the PSTN GW

1.9. Variables

   This module exports the follong variables:

   Some variables are available for both, the peer'S certificate
   and the local certificate. Further, some parameters can be read
   from the “Subject” field or the “Issuer” field.

1.9.1. $tls_version

   $tls_version - the TLS/SSL version which is used on the TLS
   connection from which the message was received. String type.

1.9.2. $tls_description

   $tls_description - the TLS/SSL description of the TLS
   connection from which the message was received. String type.

1.9.3. $tls_cipher_info

   $tls_cipher_info - the TLS/SSL cipher which is used on the TLS
   connection from which the message was received. String type.

1.9.4. $tls_cipher_bits

   $tls_cipher_bits - the number of cipher bits which are used on
   the TLS connection from which the message was received. String
   and Integer type.

1.9.5. $tls_[peer|my]_version

   $tls_[peer|my]_version - the version of the certificate. String

1.9.6. $tls_[peer|my]_serial

   $tls_[peer|my]_serial - the serial number of the certificate.
   String and Integer type.

1.9.7. $tls_[peer|my]_[subject|issuer]

   $tls_[peer|my]_[subject|issuer] - ASCII dump of the fields in
   the issuer/subject section of the certificate. String type.

   Example 1.30. Example of $tls_[peer|my]_[subject|issuer]

1.9.8. $tls_[peer|my]_[subject|issuer]_cn

   $tls_[peer|my]_[subject|issuer]_cn - commonName in the
   issuer/subject section of the certificate. String type.

1.9.9. $tls_[peer|my]_[subject|issuer]_locality

   $tls_[peer|my]_[subject|issuer]_locality - localityName in the
   issuer/subject section of the certificate. String type.

1.9.10. $tls_[peer|my]_[subject|issuer]_country

   $tls_[peer|my]_[subject|issuer]_country - countryName in the
   issuer/subject section of the certificate. String type.

1.9.11. $tls_[peer|my]_[subject|issuer]_state

   $tls_[peer|my]_[subject|issuer]_state - stateOrProvinceName in
   the issuer/subject section of the certificate. String type.

1.9.12. $tls_[peer|my]_[subject|issuer]_organization

   $tls_[peer|my]_[subject|issuer]_organization - organizationName
   in the issuer/subject section of the certificate. String type.

1.9.13. $tls_[peer|my]_[subject|issuer]_unit

   $tls_[peer|my]_[subject|issuer]_unit - organizationalUnitName
   in the issuer/subject section of the certificate. String type.

1.9.14. $tls_[peer|my]_san_email

   $tls_[peer|my]_san_email - email address in the “subject
   alternative name” extension. String type.

1.9.15. $tls_[peer|my]_san_hostname

   $tls_[peer|my]_san_hostname - hostname (DNS) in the “subject
   alternative name” extension. String type.

1.9.16. $tls_[peer|my]_san_uri

   $tls_[peer|my]_san_uri - URI in the “subject alternative name”
   extension. String type.

1.9.17. $tls_[peer|my]_san_ip

   $tls_[peer|my]_san_ip - ip address in the “subject alternative
   name” extension. String type.

1.9.18. $tls_peer_verified

   $tls_peer_verified - Returns 1 if the peer's certificate was
   successful verified. Otherwise it returns 0. String and Integer

1.9.19. $tls_peer_revoked

   $tls_peer_revoked - Returns 1 if the peer's certificate was
   revoked. Otherwise it returns 0. String and Integer type.

1.9.20. $tls_peer_expired

   $tls_peer_expired - Returns 1 if the peer's certificate is
   expired. Otherwise it returns 0. String and Integer type.

1.9.21. $tls_peer_selfsigned

   $tls_peer_selfsigned - Returns 1 if the peer's certificate is
   selfsigned. Otherwise it returns 0. String and Integer type.

1.9.22. $tls_peer_notBefore

   $tls_peer_notBefore - Returns the notBefore validity date of
   the peer's certificate. String type.

1.9.23. $tls_peer_notAfter

   $tls_peer_notAfter - Returns the notAfter validity date of the
   peer's certificate. String type.

1.10. OpenSIPS with TLS - script example

   IMPORTANT: The TLS support is based on TCP, and for allowing
   OpenSIPS to use TCP, it must be started in multi-process mode.
   So, there is a must to have the "fork" parameter set to "yes":

   NOTE: Since the TLS engine is quite memory consuming, increase
   the used memory by the run time parameter "-m" (see OpenSIPS -h
   for more details).
     * fork = yes

   Example 1.31. Script with TLS support
  # ----------- global configuration parameters ------------------------


  # ------------------ module loading ----------------------------------

  loadmodule ""
  loadmodule ""

  #TLS specific settings
  loadmodule ""

  modparam("tls_mgm", "certificate", "/path/opensipsX_cert.pem")
  modparam("tls_mgm", "private_key", "/path/privkey.pem")
  modparam("tls_mgm", "ca_list", "/path/calist.pem")
  modparam("tls_mgm", "ca_list", "/path/calist.pem")
  modparam("tls_mgm", "require_cert", "1")
  modparam("tls_mgm", "verify_cert", "1")


  loadmodule ""
  loadmodule ""
  loadmodule ""
  loadmodule ""
  loadmodule ""
  loadmodule ""
  loadmodule ""
  loadmodule ""
  loadmodule ""
  loadmodule ""
  loadmodule ""
  loadmodule ""
  loadmodule ""

  # ----------------- setting module-specific parameters ---------------

  # -- auth_db params --
  modparam("auth_db", "db_url", "sql_url")
  modparam("auth_db", "password_column", "password")
  modparam("auth_db", "calculate_ha1", 1)

  # -- registrar params --
  # no multiple registrations
  modparam("registrar", "append_branches", 0)

  # -------------------------  request routing logic -------------------

  # main routing logic


  # initial sanity checks
  if (!mf_process_maxfwd_header("10")) {
      send_reply("483","Too Many Hops");

  # if somene claims to belong to our domain in From,
  # challenge him (skip REGISTERs -- we will chalenge them later)
  if (is_myself("$fd")) {
      if ( is_method("INVITE|SUBSCRIBE|MESSAGE")
      && !(is_myself("$si")) ) {
          if  (!(proxy_authorize( "", "subscriber" ))) {
          if (!db_check_from()) {
              xlog("FROM hdr Cheating attempt in INVITE\n");
                  "That is ugly -- use From=id next time (OB)");
      }; # non-REGISTER from other domain
  } else if ( is_method("INVITE") && !is_myself("$rd") ) {
      send_reply("403", "No relaying");

  /* ********   do record-route and loose-route ******* */
  if (!is_method("REGISTER"))

  if (loose_route()) {
      append_hf("P-hint: rr-enforced\r\n");

  /* ******* check for requests targeted out of our domain ******* */
  if ( !is_myself("$rd") ) {
      append_hf("P-hint: OUTBOUND\r\n");
      if ($rd=="") {
      } else if ($rd=="") {
      } else {

  /* ******* divert to other domain according to prefixes ******* */
  if (!is_method("REGISTER")) {
      if ( $ru=~"sip:201") {
          $rd = "";
      } else if ( $ru=~"sip:202" ) {
          $rd = "";

  /* ************ requests for our domain ********** */
  if (is_method("REGISTER")) {
      if (!www_authorize( "", "subscriber" )) {
          # challenge if none or invalid credentials
          www_challenge( "" /* realm */,
              "0" /* no qop -- some phones can't deal with it */);
      if (!db_check_to()) {
          xlog("TO hdr Cheating attempt\n");
          send_reply("403", "That is ugly -- use To=id in REGISTERs");
      # it is an authenticated request, update Contact database now
      if (!save("location")) {

  # native SIP destinations are handled using USRLOC DB
  if (!lookup("location")) {
      # handle user which was not found
      send_reply("404", "Not Found");

  # remove all present Alert-info headers

  if (is_method("INVITE") && ($rP=="TLS" || isflagset(1))) {
      append_hf("Alert-info: 1\r\n");                     # cisco 7960
      append_hf("Alert-info: Bellcore-dr4\r\n");          # cisco ATA
      append_hf("Alert-info:\r\n");  # snom

  # do forwarding
  if (!t_relay()) {

  #end of script

1.11. Debug TLS connections

   If you want to debug TLS connections, put the following log
   statements into your OpenSIPS.cfg. This will dump all available
   TLS pseudo variables.

   Example 1.32. Example of TLS logging
xlog("L_INFO","================= start TLS pseudo variables ============
xlog("L_INFO","$$tls_version                   = '$tls_version'\n");
xlog("L_INFO","$$tls_description               = '$tls_description'\n");
xlog("L_INFO","$$tls_cipher_info               = '$tls_cipher_info'\n");
xlog("L_INFO","$$tls_cipher_bits               = '$tls_cipher_bits'\n");
xlog("L_INFO","$$tls_peer_subject              = '$tls_peer_subject'\n")
xlog("L_INFO","$$tls_peer_issuer               = '$tls_peer_issuer'\n");
xlog("L_INFO","$$tls_my_subject                = '$tls_my_subject'\n");
xlog("L_INFO","$$tls_my_issuer                 = '$tls_my_issuer'\n");
xlog("L_INFO","$$tls_peer_version              = '$tls_peer_version'\n")
xlog("L_INFO","$$tls_my_version                = '$tls_my_version'\n");
xlog("L_INFO","$$tls_peer_serial               = '$tls_peer_serial'\n");
xlog("L_INFO","$$tls_my_serial                 = '$tls_my_serial'\n");
xlog("L_INFO","$$tls_peer_subject_cn           = '$tls_peer_subject_cn'\
xlog("L_INFO","$$tls_peer_issuer_cn            = '$tls_peer_issuer_cn'\n
xlog("L_INFO","$$tls_my_subject_cn             = '$tls_my_subject_cn'\n"
xlog("L_INFO","$$tls_my_issuer_cn              = '$tls_my_issuer_cn'\n")
xlog("L_INFO","$$tls_peer_subject_locality     = '$tls_peer_subject_loca
xlog("L_INFO","$$tls_peer_issuer_locality      = '$tls_peer_issuer_local
xlog("L_INFO","$$tls_my_subject_locality       = '$tls_my_subject_locali
xlog("L_INFO","$$tls_my_issuer_locality        = '$tls_my_issuer_localit
xlog("L_INFO","$$tls_peer_subject_country      = '$tls_peer_subject_coun
xlog("L_INFO","$$tls_peer_issuer_country       = '$tls_peer_issuer_count
xlog("L_INFO","$$tls_my_subject_country        = '$tls_my_subject_countr
xlog("L_INFO","$$tls_my_issuer_country         = '$tls_my_issuer_country
xlog("L_INFO","$$tls_peer_subject_state        = '$tls_peer_subject_stat
xlog("L_INFO","$$tls_peer_issuer_state         = '$tls_peer_issuer_state
xlog("L_INFO","$$tls_my_subject_state          = '$tls_my_subject_state'
xlog("L_INFO","$$tls_my_issuer_state           = '$tls_my_issuer_state'\
xlog("L_INFO","$$tls_peer_subject_organization = '$tls_peer_subject_orga
xlog("L_INFO","$$tls_peer_issuer_organization  = '$tls_peer_issuer_organ
xlog("L_INFO","$$tls_my_subject_organization   = '$tls_my_subject_organi
xlog("L_INFO","$$tls_my_issuer_organization    = '$tls_my_issuer_organiz
xlog("L_INFO","$$tls_peer_subject_unit         = '$tls_peer_subject_unit
xlog("L_INFO","$$tls_peer_issuer_unit          = '$tls_peer_issuer_unit'
xlog("L_INFO","$$tls_my_subject_unit           = '$tls_my_subject_unit'\
xlog("L_INFO","$$tls_my_issuer_unit            = '$tls_my_issuer_unit'\n
xlog("L_INFO","$$tls_peer_san_email            = '$tls_peer_san_email'\n
xlog("L_INFO","$$tls_my_san_email              = '$tls_my_san_email'\n")
xlog("L_INFO","$$tls_peer_san_hostname         = '$tls_peer_san_hostname
xlog("L_INFO","$$tls_my_san_hostname           = '$tls_my_san_hostname'\
xlog("L_INFO","$$tls_peer_san_uri              = '$tls_peer_san_uri'\n")
xlog("L_INFO","$$tls_my_san_uri                = '$tls_my_san_uri'\n");
xlog("L_INFO","$$tls_peer_san_ip               = '$tls_peer_san_ip'\n");
xlog("L_INFO","$$tls_my_san_ip                 = '$tls_my_san_ip'\n");
xlog("L_INFO","$$tls_peer_verified             = '$tls_peer_verified'\n"
xlog("L_INFO","$$tls_peer_revoked              = '$tls_peer_revoked'\n")
xlog("L_INFO","$$tls_peer_expired              = '$tls_peer_expired'\n")
xlog("L_INFO","$$tls_peer_selfsigned           = '$tls_peer_selfsigned'\
xlog("L_INFO","$$tls_peer_notBefore            = '$tls_peer_notBefore'\n
xlog("L_INFO","$$tls_peer_notAfter             = '$tls_peer_notAfter'\n"
xlog("L_INFO","================= end TLS pseudo variables ==============

Chapter 2. Developer Guide

2.1. API Functions

2.1.1. find_server_domain

   struct tls_domain *find_server_domain(struct ip_addr *ip,
   unsigned short port);

   Find a TLS server domain with given ip and port (local
   listening socket).

2.1.2. find_client_domain

   struct tls_domain *find_client_domain(struct ip_addr *ip,
   unsigned short port);

   Find TLS client domain.

2.1.3. get_handshake_timeout

   int get_handshake_timeout(void);

   Returns the handshanke timeout.

2.1.4. get_send_timeout

   int get_send_timeout(void);

   Returns the send timeout.


   It contains configuration variables for OpenSIPS's TLS
   (timeouts, file paths, etc).


   Initialization related functions and parameters.

2.3.1. ssl context

   extern SSL_CTX *default_client_ctx;

   The ssl context is a member of the TLS domain strcuture. Thus,
   every TLS domain, default and virtual - servers and clients,
   have its own SSL context.

2.3.2. pre_init_tls

   int init_tls(void);

   Called once to pre_initialize the tls subsystem, from the
   main(). Called before parsing the configuration file.

2.3.3. init_tls

   int init_tls(void);

   Called once to initialize the tls subsystem, from the main().
   Called after parsing the configuration file.

2.3.4. destroy_tls

   void destroy_tls(void);

   Called once, just before cleanup.

2.3.5. tls_init

   int tls_init(struct socket_info *c);

   Called once for each tls socket created, from main.c

2.3.6. os_malloc, os_realloc, os_free

   Wrapper functions around the shm_* functions. OpenSSL uses
   non-shared memory to create its objects, thus it would not work
   in OpenSIPS. By creating these wrappers and configuring OpenSSL
   to use them instead of its default memory functions, we have
   all OpenSSL objects in shared memory, ready to use.


2.4.1. tls_domains

   extern struct tls_domain *tls_default_server_domain;

   The default TLS server domain.

   extern struct tls_domain *tls_default_client_domain;

   The default TLS client domain.

   extern struct tls_domain *tls_server_domains;

   List with defined server domains.

   extern struct tls_domain *tls_client_domains;

   List with defined client domains.

2.4.2. tls_find_server_domain

   struct tls_domain *tls_find_server_domain(struct ip_addr *ip,
   unsigned short port);

   Find a TLS server domain with given ip and port (local
   listening socket).

2.4.3. tls_find_client_domain

   struct tls_domain *tls_find_client_domain(struct ip_addr *ip,
   unsigned short port);

   Find TLS client domain.

2.4.4. tls_find_client_domain_addr

   struct tls_domain *tls_find_client_domain_addr(struct ip_addr
   *ip, unsigned short port);

   Find TLS client domain with given ip and port (socket of the
   remote destination).

2.4.5. tls_find_client_domain_name

   struct tls_domain *tls_find_client_name(str name);

   Find TLS client domain with given name.

2.4.6. tls_new__domain

   struct tls_domain *tls_new_domain(int type);

   Creates new TLS: allocate memory, set the type and initialize

2.4.7. tls_new_server_domain

   int tls_new_server_domain(struct ip_addr *ip, unsigned short

   Creates and adds to the list of TLS server domains a new

2.4.8. tls_new_client_domain

   int tls_new_client_domain(struct ip_addr *ip, unsigned short

   Creates and adds to the list of TLS client domains a new socket
   based domain.

2.4.9. tls_new_client_domain_name

   int tls_new_client_domain_name(char *s, int len);

   Creates and adds to the list of TLS client domains a new name
   based domain.

2.4.10. tls_free_domains

   void tls_free_domains(void);

   Cleans up the entire domain lists.
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