

온누리070 플레이스토어 다운로드
    acrobits softphone
     온누리 070 카카오 프러스 친구추가온누리 070 카카오 프러스 친구추가친추
     카카오톡 채팅 상담 카카오톡 채팅 상담카톡
     라인으로 공유


   ◎위챗 : speedseoul



    before pay call 0088 from app

Launch dateNotes
Movicel Angola18003FDDApril 2012[1]
Unitel Angola21001FDDDecember 2012[2][3]
Etisalat Egypt Egypt21001FDD2013 (planned)[3]
Emtel Mauritius18003FDDMay 2012[4][5]
Orange Mauritius Mauritius18003FDDJune 2012[5][6]
MTC Namibia Namibia18003FDDMay 2012[7][8]
Glo Mobile (Globacom) Nigeria21001FDD2013 (planned)[9][3]
Somcable Ltd. Somaliland700(?)(?)TBD (planned)[10][11] FWB[D 1]
Cell C South Africa21001FDDDecember 2012[12][13]
iBurst Ltd. South Africa26007FDD2013 (planned)[3]
MTN South Africa South Africa18003FDDDecember 2012[14][15]
Neotel South Africa80020FDD2013 (in Trial)[16] FWB[D 1]
Neotel South Africa18003FDDAugust 2013[17][18] FWB[D 1]
Telkom / 8ta South Africa230040TDD2013 (planned)[19][20]
Vodacom South Africa18003FDDOctober 2012[15][21]
Smile Tanzania Tanzania80020FDDJune 2012[22]
MTN Uganda Uganda260038TDDApril 2013[23][24][25]
Orange Uganda Uganda80020FDDJuly 2013[25][26]
Smile Uganda Uganda80020FDDJune 2013[25][27][28]
TMP Uganda Uganda230040TDD2013 (planned)[3]
Econet Zimbabwe Zimbabwe(?)(?)(?)August 2013[29]

Launch dateNotes
Digicel Antigua and Barbuda700(?)(?)November 2012(?)[30][3] UL/DL Frequencies?
BTC / C&W LIME Bahamas8505FDD2013 (planned)(?)[31][3] UL/DL Frequencies?
C&W LIME Cayman Islands70012 or 17FDD2013 (planned)[32] (↓) 734 - 746 MHz / (↑) 704 - 716 MHz
Tricom Dominican Republic19002FDDMarch 2013[33][3] UL/DL Frequencies?
Orange Dominicana Dominican Republic18003FDDJuly 2012[34][3] UL/DL Frequencies?

Launch dateNotes
Personal Argentina Argentina26007FDD2013 (in Trial)[35][36]
Movistar Argentina Argentina17004FDD2013 (in Trial)[36][37]
BTL Belize8505FDD2013 (planned)[3]
BTL Belize19002FDD2013 (planned)[3]
Entel Bolivia Bolivia700 c13FDDDecember 2012[38][39]
Claro Brasil Brazil26007FDDDecember 2012[40][41]
Oi Brazil26007FDDApril 2013[41][42]
On Telecom Brazil260038TDDMarch 2013[41][43][44] Provider formerly named Sunrise.
SKY Brasil Brazil260038TDDDecember 2011[41][45] FWB[D 1]
TIM Brasil Brazil26007FDDJuly 2013[41][46]
Vivo Brazil26007FDDApril 2013[41][47]
Claro Chile Chile26007FDDJune 2013[48][49]
Entel Chile Chile26007FDD2013 (planned)[49][50]
Entel Chile Chile350042TDD2012 (in Trial)[51] UL/DL Frequencies?
Movistar Chile Chile26007FDD2013 (planned)[49][52]
Avantel Colombia Colombia17004FDDTBD (planned)[53][54]
Claro Colombia Colombia26007FDDTBD (planned)[53][54]
DirecTV Colombia Colombia26007FDDTBD (planned)[53][54]
DirecTV Colombia Colombia260038TDDTBD (planned)[53][54]
TIGO Colombia / ETB Colombia17004FDDTBD (planned)[53][54]
Movistar Colombia Colombia17004FDDTBD (planned)[53][54]
Une-EPM Colombia26007FDDJune 2012[55][56][3]
ICE Celular (Kölbi) Costa Rica26007FDDJune 2013[57]
Claro Ecuador Ecuador17004FDDAugust 2013 (planned)[3]
CNT Movil Ecuador17004FDDAugust 2013 (planned)[58]
Telcel Mexico17004FDDNovember 2012[59][3]
Movistar Mexico Mexico17004FDDOctober 2012[60][3]
Personal Paraguay (Núcleo) Paraguay19002FDDFebruary 2013[61][3]
Copaco (Vox) Paraguay17004FDDDecember 2012[62][63]
Americatel Peru Peru17004FDDTBD (planned)[64]
Movistar Peru Peru17004FDD2013 (in Trial)[64][65]
Ancel Uruguay17004FDDDecember 2011[66][3]
Claro Uruguay Uruguay17004FDD2013 (planned)[67]
Digitel GSM Venezuela18003FDDAugust 2013[68][69][70] (↓) 1810 - 1825 MHz / (↑) 1715 - 1730 MHz
Movilnet Venezuela19002FDDTBD (planned)(?)[69][70][71] UL/DL Frequencies?
Movistar Venezuela Venezuela19002FDD2014 (planned)(?)[69][70][72] UL/DL Frequencies?

North America (USAUS Territories & Canada)[edit source | editbeta]

Apart from their main spectrum holdings across large regions in the country (listed below) the major US carriers (AT&T, Sprint, T-Mobile & Verizon) also hold various Cellular Market Area (CMA) and/or Economic Area (EA) licenses for the AWS 1700 band, as well as Major Trading Area (MTA) and/or Basic Trading Area (BTA) licenses for the PCS 1900 band. In several small regional areas the named operators combine these with their major spectrum holdings to increase the bandwidth for their LTE deployments. Due to the large amount of these "single" licenses they are not listed here.

Launch dateNotes
Bell Canada17004FDDSeptember 2011[73][74]
Bell Canada26007FDDMarch 2012[75]
Eastlink Canada17004FDDFebruary 2013[74][76]
MTS Canada17004FDDSeptember 2012[74][77]
Rogers Wireless Canada17004FDDJuly 2011[74][78]
Rogers Wireless Canada26007FDDNovember 2012[79]
Telus Canada17004FDDFebruary 2012[74][80]
SaskTel Canada17004FDDJanuary 2013[74][81][82]
iConnect Guam (Choice Phone) Guam700 b12 [83][84]FDDMarch 2013[85] [CMA-Licenses #732, 734][A 1][86]
IT&E Overseas (PTI Pacifica) Guam700 a12FDDJuly 2012[87] [EA-License #137][A 2][86]
NTT Docomo Pacific (Guamcell) Guam700 c12 [83][84]FDDOctober 2012[88][89] [CMA-License #732][A 3][90]
Aeronet Puerto Rico250041TDD2013 (planned)[91] UL/DL Frequencies?
AT&T Puerto Rico700 c17FDDNovember 2011[92] [CMA-Licenses #91, 147, 169, 202, 204, 724 to 726][A 3][93][94]
AT&T Puerto Rico1700 d4FDD(?)(?) [REAG-License #10][B 1][95]
AT&T Puerto Rico1700 e4FDD(?)(?) [REAG-License #10][B 2][95]
Claro Puerto Rico (PRTC) Puerto Rico700 a12FDD(?)(?) [EA-License #174][A 2][86]
Claro Puerto Rico (PRTC) Puerto Rico700 b17 [96]FDDDecember 2011[97][98] [CMA-Licenses #91, 147, 169, 202, 204, 724, 725][A 1][86][99]
Open Mobile (Triad 700) Puerto Rico700 c13FDDApril 2012[100] [REAG-License #10][A 4][86]
Sprint Puerto Rico1900 g25FDDDecember 2012[101][102] [EA-License #174][C 1][103]
T-Mobile Puerto Rico Puerto Rico1700 f4FDDJuly 2013[104] [REAG-License #10][B 3][95]
AlaskaComm / GCI United States700 b17 [96]FDDNovember 2012[105][3] Alaska Wireless Network (AWN)[106]
AT&T United States700 b17FDDSeptember 2011[107] [depends on CMA-Region][A 1]
AT&T United States700 c17FDDSeptember 2011[107] [depends on CMA-Region][A 3]
AT&T United States700 d29FDD2014 (planned)[108] [EAG-Licenses #701 to 705][A 5][93] Downlink only.
AT&T United States700 e29FDD2014 (planned)[108] [5 of 176 EA-Licenses][A 6][86] Downlink only.
AT&T United States1700 d4FDD(?)(?) [REAG-Licenses #5, 7][B 1][95]
AT&T United States1700 e4FDD(?)(?) [REAG-Licenses #6, 7][B 2][95]
AT&T United States2300 a b30FDDTBD (planned)[109][110] [473 of 734 CMA-Licenses][C 2][111]
BendBroadband United States700 b12 [83][84]FDDMay 2012[112][113] [CMA-License #611][A 1][86] FWB[D 1]
BendBroadband United States1700 a4FDDMay 2012[112][113] [CMA-Licenses #607, 611][B 4][95] FWB[D 1]
Big River Broadband United States1700 a4FDDAugust 2012[114] [CMA-Licenses #516, 521][B 4][95]
Bluegrass Cellular United States700 b12 [83][84]FDDApril 2013[115][116] [CMA-Licenses #209, 293, 444, 447, 448][A 1][86] FWB[D 1]
C Spire United States1700 a4FDDSeptember 2012[117][118] [CMA-Licenses #46, 127, 139, 246, 265, 369, 651][B 4][95]
C Spire United States1700 b4FDD2013 (planned)[118] [EA-License #39][B 5][95]
C Spire United States1700 c4FDD2013 (planned)[118] [EA-Licenses #74, 77, 78, 80][B 6][95]
C Spire United States19002FDDSeptember 2012[117][118] UL/DL Frequencies?
Fuego Wireless (PVT) United States700 a12FDDMay 2012[119] [EA-License #136][A 2][86]
Fuego Wireless (PVT) United States700 b12 [83][84]FDDMay 2012[119] [CMA-Licenses #285, 555, 556][A 1][86]
Leap Wireless[120] United States1700 d4FDD(?)(?) [REAG-License #3][B 1][95] (Denali Spectrum License LLC)
Leap Wireless[120] United States1700 e4FDDDecember 2011[121][122] [REAG-License #5][B 2][95]
miSpot (Agri-Valley Com) United States700 b12 [83][84]FDDMarch 2013[123] [CMA-Licenses #177, 181, 474, 481][A 1][86]
Mosaic Telecom United States700 c12 [83][84]FDDJuly 2011[124][3] [CMA-Licenses #232, 708][A 3][90] Provider formerly named CTC Telecom.
Mosaic Telecom United States1700 a4FDDJuly 2011[124][3] [CMA-Licenses #708][B 4][95] Provider formerly named CTC Telecom.
NewCore Wireless United StatesN/AN/AN/AApril 2013[125] Core-network provider for local operators.
nTelos United States700 b or c12 [83][84]FDD2013 (in Trial)(?) [3]
nTelos United States1700 a4FDD2013 (in Trial)[3] [CMA-Licenses #157, 203, 256, 683 to 686][B 4][95]
nTelos United States250041TDD2013 (in Trial)[126][127] FWB[D 1] UL/DL Frequencies?
Nex-Tech Wireless United States19002FDD2013 (planned)[128] UL/DL Frequencies?
P&E Telephone Coop United States700 c12 [83][84]FDDFebruary 2012[3] [CMA-Licenses #206, 237, 240, 658, 661, 662][A 3][90][93]
Space Data Corporation United States700 b or c12 or 17 [129]FDDOctober 2012(?) [130] LTE-over-satellite-Service
Sprint United States80026FDD2013 (planned)[131][132][133] [ABC-Licenses in 130 of 175 EA-Areas][C 3][134][135]
Sprint United States1900 g25FDDJuly 2012[133][136] [176 of 176 EA-Licenses][C 1][103]
Sprint (formerly Clearwire) United States250041TDDJuly 2013[133][137][138] UL/DL Frequencies?
T-Mobile US United States1700 d4FDDMarch 2013[139][140] [REAG-Licenses #2, 4][B 1][95]
MetroPCS United States1700 d4FDDSeptember 2010[141][142] [REAG-Licenses #1, 6][B 1][95]
T-Mobile US United States1700 e4FDDMarch 2013[139][140] [REAG-Licenses #1, 2, 3, 4, 8][B 2][95][143][144]
T-Mobile US United States1700 f4FDDMarch 2013[139][140] [REAG-Licenses #5, 6, 8][B 3][95]
U.S. Cellular United States700 a12FDDMarch 2012[145][146] [25 of 176 EA-Licenses][A 2][86][147]
U.S. Cellular United States700 b12 [83][84]FDDMarch 2012[146] [127 of 734 CMA-Licenses][A 1][86][147]
U.S. Cellular United States8505FDD2013 (planned)[146] UL/DL Frequencies?
Verizon Wireless United States700 c13FDDDecember 2010[148][149] [REAG-Licenses #1 to 8][A 4][86][150]
Verizon Wireless United States1700 f4FDD2013 (planned)[149][151] [REAG-Licenses #1, 2, 3, 4][B 3][95]
West Central Wireless United States700 b or c12 [83][84]FDD2012 (planned)(?) [152][153] FWB[D 1]
AT&T U.S. Virgin Islands700 c17FDDJuly 2013[154][155] [CMA-Licenses #730, 731][A 3][90]
Sprint U.S. Virgin Islands1900 g25FDD2013 (planned)[156] [EA-License #174][C 1][103]

Launch dateNotes
China Mobile China190039TDDApril 2013 (in Trial)[171][172]
China Mobile China260038TDDApril 2013 (in Trial)[171][172]
China Mobile China230040TDDApril 2013 (in Trial)[171]
China Mobile Hong Kong Hong Kong18003FDDFebruary 2013(?) [173] Coverage mainly inside Hong Kong Mass Transit Railway (MTR).[citation needed]
China Mobile Hong Kong Hong Kong26007FDDApril 2012[174]
China Mobile Hong Kong Hong Kong230040TDDDecember 2012[174][175]
CSL Hong Kong18003FDDAugust 2012[176]
CSL Hong Kong26007FDDAugust 2012[176]
3 Hong Kong Hong Kong18003FDDTBD (planned)[173]
3 Hong Kong Hong Kong26007FDDMay 2012[177]
3 Hong Kong Hong Kong230040TDDTBD (planned)[178]
PCCW Hong Kong18003FDDTBD (planned)[173]
PCCW Hong Kong26007FDDMay 2012[177]
Smartone Hong Kong18003FDDAugust 2012[179]
Bharti Airtel India230040TDDApril 2012[180][181]
Videocon India18003FDD2013 (planned)[3]
Indosat Indonesia18003FDD2013 (planned)[3]
au (KDDI) Japan70028FDD2015 (planned)[182] Spectrum operational from 2015.
au (KDDI) Japan80018FDDNovember 2012[183][184] (↓) 860 - 870 MHz / (↑) 815 - 825 MHz
au (KDDI) Japan150011FDDNovember 2012[183][184] (↓) 1485,9 - 1495,9 MHz / (↑) 1437,9 - 1447,9 MHz
au (KDDI) Japan21001FDDSeptember 2012[185]
EMOBILE (SoftBank) Japan70028FDD2015 (planned)[182] Spectrum operational from 2015.
EMOBILE (SoftBank) Japan18003FDDMarch 2012[186]
NTT Docomo (Xi) Japan70028FDD2015 (planned)[182] Spectrum operational from 2015.
NTT Docomo (Xi) Japan80019FDDNovember 2012[187][188] UL/DL Frequencies?
NTT Docomo (Xi) Japan150021FDDNovember 2012[187][188] (↓) 1495,9 – 1510,9 MHz / (↑) 1447,9 – 1462,9 MHz
NTT Docomo (Xi) Japan21001FDDDecember 2010[189]
SoftBank Mobile Japan9008FDD2014 (planned)[190]
SoftBank Mobile Japan21001FDDSeptember 2012[190]
WCP (SoftBank) Japan250041TDDFebruary 2012[191][192] (↓↑): 2545 - 2575 MHz / AXGP / Temporary license
Kar-Tel (Beeline) Kazakhstan70013FDD2014 (in Trial)[193][citation needed]
KazakhTelecom (Altel) Kazakhstan18003FDDJanuary 2013[194]
JSC Kcell Kazakhstan26007FDD2017 (planned)[195]
Saima Telecom Kyrgyzstan26007FDDDecember 2011[3]
Celcom (Axiata) Malaysia18003FDDMay 2013[196]
Celcom (Axiata) Malaysia26007FDDApril 2013[197][198]
DiGi Malaysia26007FDDJuly 2013[199]
Maxis Malaysia18003FDDApril 2013[200]
Maxis Malaysia26007FDDJanuary 2013[201][202]
P1 Malaysia26007FDD2013 (planned)[3]
REDtone Mobile Services Malaysia26007FDD2013 (planned)[3]
U Mobile Malaysia26007FDD2013 (planned)[3]
Globe Telecom Philippines18003FDDOctober 2012[203][204]
Smart Philippines8505FDDSeptember 2012[205] No operational deployment reported, for details see -> Talk
Smart Philippines18003FDDAugust 2012[206][205] No operational deployment reported, for details see -> Talk
Smart Philippines21001FDDAugust 2012[206][205]
M1 Singapore18003FDDJune 2011[207][208]
M1 Singapore26007FDDJune 2011[207][208]
SingTel Singapore18003FDDDecember 2011[209][210]
SingTel Singapore26007FDDDecember 2011[209][210]
StarHub Singapore18003FDDSeptember 2012[211]
KT Corporation South Korea850 or 80026 or 27FDDTBD (planned)[212] (↓) 864 - 869 MHz / (↑) 819 - 824 MHz
KT Corporation South Korea9008FDD2013 (planned)[213][212]
KT Corporation South Korea18003FDDJanuary 2012[214][215][212] Frequency range (↑) 1740 - 1745 MHz reserved for public purpose.
LG U+ South Korea8505FDDJuly 2011[216][217][212] (↓) 884 - 894 MHz / (↑) 839 - 849 MHz
LG U+ South Korea21001FDDJuly 2013[218][219][212]
LG U+ South Korea26007FDD2013 (planned)[220][212][221]
SK Telecom South Korea8505FDDJuly 2011[216][212] (↓) 874 - 884 MHz / (↑) 829 - 839 MHz
SK Telecom South Korea18003FDDJune 2013[222][223][212] Frequency range (↑) 1725 - 1730 MHz reserved for public purpose.
Dialog Axiata Sri Lanka18003FDDApril 2013[224][225]
Dialog Sri Lanka230040TDDDecember 2012[226][225] FWB[D 1]
Etisalat Sri Lanka21001FDD2013 (planned)[227][228][3]
Mobitel Sri Lanka18003FDDJune 2013[229][230]
Babilon Mobile Tajikistan18003FDDOctober 2012[231][3] Network covers Dushanbe.
Babilon Mobile Tajikistan21001FDDOctober 2012[231][3] Network covers Dushanbe.
DTAC Thailand18003FDDOctober 2013 (planned)(?)[citation needed]
TrueMove-H Thailand21001FDDMay 2013[232] Available in some areas of Bangkok (e.g. Siam, Sathon).
Beeline Uzbekistan Uzbekistan26007FDDFebruary 2012[233][3]
MTS Uzbekistan Uzbekistan700 c13FDDJuly 2012[234][39] Out of service, due to suspension of license.[235][236]
MTS Uzbekistan Uzbekistan26007FDDJuly 2010[237] Out of service, due to suspension of license.[235][236]
UCell Uzbekistan700 c13FDDJuly 2012[238][39]
UCell Uzbekistan26007FDDAugust 2010[239][240]
RusViet Telecom Vietnam26007FDD2013 (planned)[3]

Launch dateNotes
Viva Cell MTS Armenia26007FDDDecember 2011[241]
A1 Austria26007FDDSeptember 2010[242][243]
3 Austria Austria26007FDDNovember 2011[244][243]
T-Mobile Austria Austria26007FDDOctober 2010[245][243]
Azercell Azerbaijan18003FDDMay 2012[246]
b-lite Belgium350042TDDTBD (planned)[247] UL/DL Frequencies?
BUCD BVBA Belgium260038TDDTBD (planned)[248]
BASE Belgium18003FDDTBD (planned)(?)[citation needed]
BASE Belgium26007FDDTBD (planned)[248]
Mobistar Belgium18003FDD2013 (planned)[249]
Mobistar Belgium26007FDDTBD (planned)[248]
Proximus Belgium18003FDDNovember 2012[250]
Proximus Belgium26007FDDTBD (planned)[248]
M-Tel Bulgaria18003FDD2012 (in Trial)(?)[251][citation needed] (-> used frequency band)
Further development on hold.[citation needed]
Max Telecom Bulgaria18003FDD2013 (planned)(?)[252][citation needed] (-> used frequency band)
Vivacom Bulgaria18003FDD2012 (in Trial)(?)[253][citation needed] (-> used frequency band)
T-Hrvatski Telekom Croatia80020FDDJanuary 2013[254]
T-Hrvatski Telekom Croatia18003FDDMarch 2012[255][254]
Vipnet Croatia80020FDDTBD (planned)(?)[256]
Vipnet Croatia18003FDDMarch 2012(?)[257][citation needed] (-> used frequency bands)
Vipnet Croatia26007FDDMarch 2012(?)[citation needed] (-> in English) [258]
Telefónica O2 Czech Republic Czech Republic18003FDDJune 2012[259]
T-Mobile Czech Republic Czech Republic18003FDDNovember 2012(?)[citation needed]
3 Denmark Denmark18003FDDSeptember 2012[260]
3 Denmark Denmark26007FDDSeptember 2012[260]
Telia Denmark / Telenor Denmark Denmark80020FDD(?)(?)[261][citation needed]
Telia Denmark / Telenor Denmark Denmark18003FDD(?)(?)[citation needed]
Telia Denmark / Telenor Denmark Denmark26007FDDDecember 2010(?)[262][citation needed] (-> used frequency band)
TDC Denmark80020FDD(?)(?)[261][citation needed]
TDC Denmark26007FDDOctober 2011(?)[263][citation needed]
Elisa Estonia Estonia80020FDDAugust 2013[264]
Elisa Estonia Estonia18003FDD(2010 ?)(?)[citation needed]
Elisa Estonia Estonia26007FDD(2010 ?)(?)[citation needed]
EMT Estonia18003FDDDecember 2011(?)[citation needed]
EMT Estonia26007FDDNovember 2011(?)[265]
Tele2 Estonia Estonia(?)(?)FDDNovember 2012(?)[266]
Elisa Oyj Finland18003FDDDecember 2010(?)[citation needed]
Elisa Oyj Finland26007FDDDecember 2010(?)[267]
Sonera Finland18003FDD2011(?)[citation needed]
Sonera Finland26007FDDDecember 2010(?)[268]
DNA Finland18003FDDJanuary 2011(?)[citation needed]
DNA Finland26007FDDJanuary 2011(?)[citation needed]
Bouygues France80020FDD2013 (planned)[269][270]
Bouygues France18003FDDOctober 2013 (planned)[271]
Bouygues France26007FDDMay 2013[272][273]
Free Mobile France26007FDD2013 (planned)[273]
Orange France France80020FDD2013 (planned)[269][270]
Orange France France26007FDDNovember 2012[274][273]
SFR France80020FDD2013 (planned)[269][270]
SFR France26007FDDNovember 2012[275][273]
Deutsche Telekom Germany80020FDDApril 2011[276][277]
Deutsche Telekom Germany18003FDDJuly 2011[278][277]
Deutsche Telekom Germany26007FDDAugust 2013[279][280][277] Network covers highly frequented places only.
Telefónica O2 Germany Germany80020FDDJuly 2011[281][277]
Telefónica O2 Germany Germany26007FDDOctober 2010 (in Trial)[282][277] Pilot-Networks cover parts of Munich and Halle.
Vodafone Germany Germany80020FDDSeptember 2010[283][277]
Vodafone Germany Germany26007FDDAugust 2013[284][285][277] Network covers centres of major cities.
Cosmote Greece18003FDDNovember 2012(?)[286][citation needed] (-> used frequency band)
Vodafone Greece Greece18003FDDDecember 2012(?)[287][citation needed] (-> used frequency band)
Magyar Telekom Hungary18003FDDJanuary 2012[288][289]
Nova Iceland(?)(?)(?)April 2013(?)[290][citation needed] (-> used frequency band)
Vodafone Iceland Iceland(?)(?)(?)July 2013(?)[291][citation needed] (-> used frequency band)
3 Italy Italy18003FDDNovember 2012[292][293]
3 Italy Italy26007FDDNovember 2012[292][293]
TIM Italy80020FDDNovember 2012[294][295]
TIM Italy18003FDDNovember 2012[294][295]
TIM Italy26007FDDNovember 2012[294][295]
Vodafone Italy Italy80020FDDOctober 2012[296][297]
Vodafone Italy Italy18003FDDOctober 2012[296][297]
Vodafone Italy Italy26007FDDOctober 2012[296][297]
Telia Latvia / LMT Latvia18003FDDJuly 2011(?)[citation needed]
Orange Swiss Liechtenstein800 (?)20 (?)FDDSeptember 2013[298]
Omnitel Lithuania18003FDDMay 2011(?)[citation needed]
Omnitel Lithuania26007FDDMay 2011(?)[citation needed]
Tango Luxembourg18003FDDOctober 2012(?)[299][citation needed] (-> used frequency band)
Orange Luxembourg Luxembourg18003FDDOctober 2012(?)[300][citation needed] (-> used frequency band)
KPN Netherlands80020FDDFebruary 2013[301][302][303]
KPN Netherlands18003FDD2013 (planned)[302][303]
KPN Netherlands26007FDDMay 2012 (in Trial)[304][302][303]
T-Mobile Netherlands Netherlands18003FDDAugust 2013 (planned)[305][303]
T-Mobile Netherlands Netherlands26007FDDMay 2012 (in Trial)[306][303]
Tele2 Netherlands Netherlands80020FDD2013 (planned)[307][303]
Tele2 Netherlands Netherlands26007FDD2013 (planned)[307][303]
Vodafone Netherlands Netherlands80020FDDAugust 2013[308][303]
Vodafone Netherlands Netherlands18003FDDAugust 2013[308][303]
Vodafone Netherlands Netherlands26007FDDDecember 2012 (in Trial)[303][308] Field Trial in Eindhoven, Groningen & Gorinchem.
Ziggo / UPC Netherlands Netherlands26007FDDMay 2012[309] FWB[D 1]
Telenor Norway18003FDDMarch 2013(?)[310]
Telenor Norway26007FDDOctober 2012(?)[citation needed]
Netcom Norway18003FDDJanuary 2012(?)[citation needed]
Netcom Norway26007FDDDecember 2009(?)[citation needed]
Aero2 Poland260038TDDMay 2011(?)[citation needed]
Mobyland / CenterNet Poland18003FDDSeptember 2010(?)[citation needed]
Optimus Portugal80020FDDMarch 2012(?)[citation needed]
Optimus Portugal18003FDDMarch 2012(?)[citation needed]
Optimus Portugal26007FDDMarch 2012(?)[citation needed]
TMN Portugal80020FDDMarch 2012(?)[citation needed]
TMN Portugal18003FDDMarch 2012(?)[citation needed]
TMN Portugal26007FDDMarch 2012(?)[citation needed]
Vodafone Portugal Portugal80020FDDMarch 2012(?)[311]
Vodafone Portugal Portugal18003FDDMarch 2012(?)[311]
Vodafone Portugal Portugal26007FDDMarch 2012(?)[311]
Orange Romania Romania18003FDDDecember 2012(?)[citation needed]
Vodafone Romania Romania18003FDDNovember 2012(?)[citation needed]
Beeline Russia26007FDDMay 2013(?)[citation needed] Network covers some areas of Moscow.
MegaFon Russia26007FDDApril 2012[312] MVNO over Yota network.
MegaFon Russia260038TDDMay 2012(?)[citation needed] Network available in Moscow only.
MTS Russia26007FDDMay 2013(?)[citation needed] Network covers some areas of Moscow.
MTS Russia260038TDDSeptember 2012(?)[citation needed] Network covers Moscow and Moscow region.
Vainah Telecom Russia230040TDDJanuary 2013[313] Network available in Chechnya.
Yota Russia26007FDDDecember 2011(?)[citation needed]
O2 SK / Telefónica Slovakia18003FDDAugust 2012[314]
Si.mobil Slovenia18003FDDJuly 2012[315] (-> used frequency bands)
Mobitel Slovenia18003FDDNovember 2012[316] (-> used frequency bands) Also planned to work on band 20 in future.[citation needed]
COTA Spain260038TDD2012 (in Trial)[317]
Movistar España Spain26007FDD2012 (in Trial)[318]
Orange España Spain18003FDDJuly 2013(?)[319][citation needed] (-> used frequency bands)
Orange España Spain26007FDDJuly 2013(?)[citation needed]
R Spain26007FDD2013 (in Trial)[320]
Vodafone Spain Spain18003FDDMay 2013[321]
Vodafone Spain Spain26007FDDMay 2013[321]
Yoigo Spain18003FDDJuly 2013[322]
3 Sweden Sweden80020FDDApril 2012(?)[citation needed]
3 Sweden Sweden21001FDDApril 2012(?)[citation needed]
3 Sweden Sweden26007FDDApril 2012(?)[citation needed]
3 Sweden Sweden260038TDDApril 2012(?)[citation needed]
Net4Mobility Sweden9008FDDNovember 2010(?)[citation needed]
Net4Mobility Sweden26007FDDNovember 2010[323] Operator also holds licence for band 20.[citation needed]
Telia Sweden Sweden80020FDDDecember 2009(?)[324]
Telia Sweden Sweden18003FDDDecember 2009(?)[324]
Telia Sweden Sweden26007FDDDecember 2009[325][326]
Orange Swiss  Switzerland80020FDDJune 2013[327]
Orange Switzerland  Switzerland18003FDDJune 2013[327]
Orange Switzerland  Switzerland26007FDDJune 2013[327]
Sunrise  Switzerland80020FDDJune 2013[328]
Sunrise  Switzerland18003FDDJune 2013[328]
Sunrise  Switzerland26007FDDJune 2013[328]
Swisscom  Switzerland80020FDDNovember 2012[329]
Swisscom  Switzerland18003FDDNovember 2012[329]
Swisscom  Switzerland26007FDDNovember 2012[329]
EE United Kingdom80020FDDTBD (planned)[citation needed] [330]
EE United Kingdom18003FDDOctober 2012[331]
EE United Kingdom26007FDDTBD (planned)[citation needed] [330]
3 UK United Kingdom80020FDDDecember 2013 (planned)[332]
3 UK United Kingdom18003FDDDecember 2013 (planned)[332]
O2 UK / Telefonica United Kingdom80020FDDAugust 2013[333][330]
UK Broadband United Kingdom350042TDDFebruary 2012[334] UL/DL Frequencies?
UK Broadband United Kingdom360043TDDFebruary 2012[334] UL/DL Frequencies?
Vodafone UK United Kingdom80020FDDAugust 2013[333][330]
Vodafone UK United Kingdom26007FDDAugust 2013[333][330]

Launch dateNotes
Batelco Bahrain18003FDDFebruary 2013[335][336]
VIVA Bahrain Bahrain18003FDD2013 (planned)[337][338][336]
Zain Bahrain Bahrain18003FDDApril 2013[339][336]
VIVA Kuwait Kuwait18003FDDDecember 2011[340][341]
Wataniya Kuwait18003FDDJuly 2013[342][341]
Zain Kuwait Kuwait18003FDDNovember 2012[340][341]
Alfa Lebanon18003FDDMay 2013[343][344]
touch Lebanon80020FDDTBD (planned)[344] Operational as soon as digital switchover has completed.
touch Lebanon18003FDDMay 2013[345][344]
Nawras Oman18003FDDFebruary 2013[346][347]
Omantel Oman18003FDDJanuary 2013[348]
Omantel Oman230040TDDJuly 2012[347][348]
ooredoo Qatar80020FDDApril 2013[349]
ooredoo Qatar26007FDDApril 2013[349]
Mobily Saudi Arabia260038TDDSeptember 2011[350][351] Currently FDD-LTE in band 7 is not possible due to military usage.[352]
STC Saudi Arabia230040TDDSeptember 2011[353][351]
Zain Saudi Arabia Saudi Arabia18003FDDJune 2012[354][351]
Zain Saudi Arabia Saudi Arabia260038TDDSeptember 2011[355] Currently FDD-LTE in band 7 is not possible due to military usage.[352]
du United Arab Emirates18003FDDJune 2012[356]
Etisalat United Arab Emirates18003FDD2014 (planned)[357]
Etisalat United Arab Emirates26007FDDSeptember 2011[358][357]

Launch dateNotes
NBN Co Australia230040TDDApril 2012[359] FWB[D 1]
Optus Australia70028FDD2015 (in Trial)[360][361] Spectrum operational from 1. January 2015.
Optus Australia18003FDDApril 2012[362] Canberra is not covered by this 1800 MHz network.
Optus Australia230040TDDJune 2013[363] This network covers Canberra only.
Optus Australia26007FDDTBD (planned)[361] Spectrum operational from 1. October 2014.
Telstra Australia70028FDDTBD (planned)[361] Spectrum operational from 1. January 2015.
Telstra Australia9008FDD2013 (in Trial)[364][365]
Telstra Australia18003FDDSeptember 2011[366]
Telstra Australia26007FDDTBD (planned)[361] Spectrum operational from 1. October 2014.
VHA Australia18003FDDJune 2013[367]
TSKL Kiribati70012 or 17 [129]FDDSeptember 2013 (in Trial)[368][369] LTE-over-satellite-Service. Commercial launch in Oct 2013.[370]
2degrees New Zealand70028FDDTBD (planned)[371] Spectrum unavailable until 2014 at the earliest.
2degrees New Zealand18003FDDTBD (planned)[371]
Telecom New Zealand New Zealand70028FDD2014 (in Trial)[372] Spectrum unavailable until 2014 at the earliest.
Telecom New Zealand New Zealand18003FDDOctober 2013 (in Trial)[372][373]
Telecom New Zealand New Zealand26007FDDOctober 2013 (in Trial)[372][373]
Vodafone New Zealand New Zealand70028FDD2014 (in Trial)[374] Spectrum unavailable until 2014 at the earliest.
Vodafone New Zealand New Zealand18003FDDFebruary 2013[375]

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