Yet another playSMS 1.4 installation article, this time its on CentOS 7.2 with MariaDB 5.5.50 instead of MySQL.
I’m using DigitalOcean VPS service and install CentOS 7.2 with enough RAM and disk, I choose 512MB RAM and 20GB SSD disk.
You can always use your own VPS or any other method to install CentOS.
SSH to VPS and update CentOS:
1 | yum update |
Updating CentOS may take sometime to finish, and if you know what you’re doing than you can just skip this step.
Install web server, database server and PHP:
1 | yum install php php-cli php-gd php-mysql httpd mariadb-server mariadb |
For those who might now know MariaDB, put it simply that MariaDB is different database than MySQL but the usage and even command lines used are the same as MySQL. This article is choosing to use MariaDB simply because the default database server available on this CentOS repository is MariaDB.
Update MariaDB root password:
1 | mysqladmin -uroot -p password password |
In this article the configured root password is password
You can download playSMS 1.4 from SourceForge and upload it to VPS or from inside the VPS use wget
to download it:
1 | wget -c http: //ncu /project/playsms/playsms/Version %201.4 /playsms-1 .4. tar .gz |
Extract the package:
1 | tar -zxf playsms-1.4. tar .gz |
Edit install configuration file install.conf
from www-data
to apache
1 2 3 | cd playsms-1.4 cp install .conf.dist install .conf vi install .conf |
Do the editing carefully. Make sure the web server user and group is apache and your MySQL database configuration is correct. If you follow this article as is then you don’t need to change other option besideWEBSERVERUSER
Save install.conf
and exit.
Next, run
1 | . /install-playsms .sh |
Follow the install script until its done, answer y to all questions.
Make sure playSMS is installed correctly by the install script:
1 | playsmsd check |
Example output that is showing playSMS is installed correctly:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 | PLAYSMSD_CONF = /etc/playsmsd.conf PLAYSMS_PATH = /var/www/html/playsms PLAYSMS_LIB = /var/lib/playsms PLAYSMS_BIN = /usr/local/bin PLAYSMS_LOG = /var/log/playsms DAEMON_SLEEP = 1 ERROR_REPORTING = E_ALL ^ (E_NOTICE | E_WARNING) IS_RUNNING = 1 PIDS schedule = 8284 PIDS ratesmsd = 8286 PIDS dlrssmsd = 8289 PIDS recvsmsd = 8293 PIDS sendsmsd = 8297 |
Note that PIDS are not empty and the IS_RUNNING
option is filled with 1
Use browser to visit playSMS web GUI. Following this article the web GUI address should be:
1 | http://<web server IP or hostname>/playsms/ |
The default playSMS web GUI user is admin and the password is admin.