

온누리070 플레이스토어 다운로드
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     라인으로 공유


   ◎위챗 : speedseoul



    before pay call 0088 from app

/sbin/opensipsctl $Revision: 4448 $

Existing commands:

 -- command 'start|stop|restart|trap'

 trap ............................... trap with gdb OpenSIPS processes

 restart ............................ restart OpenSIPS

 start .............................. start OpenSIPS

 stop ............................... stop OpenSIPS

 -- command 'acl' - manage access control lists (acl)

 acl show [<username>] .............. show user membership

 acl grant <username> <group> ....... grant user membership (*)

 acl revoke <username> [<group>] .... grant user membership(s) (*)

 -- command 'cr' - manage carrierroute tables

 cr show ....................................................... show tables

 cr reload ..................................................... reload tables

 cr dump ....................................................... show in memory tables

 cr addrt <routing_tree_id> <routing_tree> ..................... add a tree

 cr rmrt  <routing_tree> ....................................... rm a tree

 cr addcarrier <carrier> <scan_prefix> <domain> <rewrite_host> ................

               <prob> <strip> <rewrite_prefix> <rewrite_suffix> ...............

               <flags> <mask> <comment> .........................add a carrier

               (prob, strip, rewrite_prefix, rewrite_suffix,...................

                flags, mask and comment are optional arguments) ...............

 cr rmcarrier  <carrier> <scan_prefix> <domain> ................ rm a carrier

 -- command 'rpid' - manage Remote-Party-ID (RPID)

 rpid add <username> <rpid> ......... add rpid for a user (*)

 rpid rm <username> ................. set rpid to NULL for a user (*)

 rpid show <username> ............... show rpid of a user

 -- command 'add|passwd|rm' - manage subscribers

 add <username> <password> .......... add a new subscriber (*)

 passwd <username> <passwd> ......... change user's password (*)

 rm <username> ...................... delete a user (*)

 -- command 'add|dump|reload|rm|show' - manage address

 address show ...................... show db content

 address dump ...................... show cache content

 address reload .................... reload db table into cache

 address add <grp> <ip> <mask> <port> <proto> [<context_info>] [<pattern>]

             ....................... add a new entry

             ....................... (from_pattern and tag are optional arguments)

 address rm <grp> <ip> <mask> <port> ............... remove all entries

             ....................... for the given grp ip mask port

 -- command 'dr' - manage dynamic routing

   * Examples: dr addgw '1' 10 '' 0 '' 'GW001' 0 'first_gw'

   *           dr addgw '2' 20 '' 0 '' 'GW002' 0 'second_gw'

   *           dr rmgw 2

   *           dr addgrp 'alice' '' 10 'first group'

   *           dr rmgrp 1

   *           dr addcr 'cr_1' '10' 0 'CARRIER_1' 'first_carrier'

   *           dr rmcr 1

   *           dr addrule '10,20' '+1' '20040101T083000' 0 0 '1,2' 'NA_RULE' 'NA routing'

   *           dr rmgrule 1

 dr show ............................ show dr tables

 dr addgw <gwid> <type> <address> <strip> <pri_prefix>

          <attrs> <probe_mode> <description>

    ................................. add gateway

 dr rmgw <id> ....................... delete gateway

 dr addgrp <username> <domain> <groupid> <description>

    ................................. add gateway group

 dr rmgrp <id> ...................... delete gateway group

 dr addcr <carrierid> <gwlist> <flags> <attrs> <description>

          ........................... add carrier

 dr rmcr <id> ....................... delete carrier

 dr addrule <groupid> <prefix> <timerec> <priority> <routeid>

            <gwlist> <attrs> <description>

    ................................. add rule

 dr rmrule <ruleid> ................. delete rule

 dr reload .......................... reload dr tables

 dr gw_status ....................... show gateway status

 dr carrier_status .................. show carrier status

 -- command 'dispatcher' - manage dispatcher

   * Examples:  dispatcher addgw 1 sip: '' 0 50 'og1' 'Outbound Gateway1'

   *            dispatcher addgw 2 sip: '' 0 50 'og2' 'Outbound Gateway2'

   *            dispatcher rmgw 4

 dispatcher show ..................... show dispatcher gateways

 dispatcher reload ................... reload dispatcher gateways

 dispatcher dump ..................... show in memory dispatcher gateways

 dispatcher addgw <setid> <destination> <socket> <state> <weight> <attrs> [description]

            .......................... add gateway

 dispatcher rmgw <id> ................ delete gateway

 -- command 'registrant' - manage registrants

   * Examples:  registrant add '' '' user password sip:user@localhost '' 3600 ''

 registrant show ......................... show registrant table

 registrant dump ......................... show registrant status

 registrant add <registrar> <proxy> <aor> <third_party_registrant>

                <username> <password> <binding_URI> <binding_params>

                <expiry> <forced_socket> . add a registrant

 registrant rm ........................... removes the entire registrant table

 registrant rmaor <id> ................... removes the gived aor id

 -- command 'db' - database operations

 db exec <query> ..................... execute SQL query

 db roexec <roquery> ................. execute read-only SQL query

 db run <id> ......................... execute SQL query from $id variable

 db rorun <id> ....................... execute read-only SQL query from

                                       $id variable

 db show <table> ..................... display table content

 -- command 'speeddial' - manage speed dials (short numbers)

 speeddial show <speeddial-id> ....... show speeddial details

 speeddial list <sip-id> ............. list speeddial for uri

 speeddial add <sip-id> <sd-id> <new-uri> [<desc>] ...

           ........................... add a speedial (*)

 speeddial rm <sip-id> <sd-id> ....... remove a speeddial (*)

 speeddial help ...................... help message

    - <speeddial-id>, <sd-id> must be an AoR (username@domain)

    - <sip-id> must be an AoR (username@domain)

    - <new-uri> must be a SIP AoR (sip:username@domain)

    - <desc> a description for speeddial

 -- command 'avp' - manage AVPs

 avp list [-T table] [-u <sip-id|uuid>]

     [-a attribute] [-v value] [-t type] ... list AVPs

 avp add [-T table] <sip-id|uuid>

     <attribute> <type> <value> ............ add AVP (*)

 avp rm [-T table]  [-u <sip-id|uuid>]

     [-a attribute] [-v value] [-t type] ... remove AVP (*)

 avp help .................................. help message

    - -T - table name

    - -u - SIP id or unique id

    - -a - AVP name

    - -v - AVP value

    - -t - AVP name and type (0 (str:str), 1 (str:int),

                              2 (int:str), 3 (int:int))

    - <sip-id> must be an AoR (username@domain)

    - <uuid> must be a string but not AoR

 -- command 'alias_db' - manage database aliases

 alias_db show <alias> .............. show alias details

 alias_db list <sip-id> ............. list aliases for uri

 alias_db add <alias> <sip-id> ...... add an alias (*)

 alias_db rm <alias> ................ remove an alias (*)

 alias_db help ...................... help message

    - <alias> must be an AoR (username@domain)"

    - <sip-id> must be an AoR (username@domain)"

 -- command 'domain' - manage local domains

 domain reload ....................... reload domains from disk

 domain show ......................... show current domains in memory

 domain showdb ....................... show domains in the database

 domain add <domain> ................. add the domain to the database

 domain rm <domain> .................. delete the domain from the database

 -- command 'cisco_restart' - restart CISCO phone (NOTIFY)

 cisco_restart <uri> ................ restart phone configured for <uri>

 -- command 'online' - dump online users from memory

 online ............................. display online users

 -- command 'monitor' - show internal status

 monitor ............................ show server's internal status

 -- command 'ping' - ping a SIP URI (OPTIONS)

 ping <uri> ......................... ping <uri> with SIP OPTIONS

 -- command 'ul|alias' - manage user location or aliases

 ul show [<username>]................ show in-RAM online users

 ul show --brief..................... show in-RAM online users in short format

 ul rm <username> [<contact URI>].... delete user's usrloc entries

 ul add <username> <uri> ............ introduce a permanent usrloc entry

 ul add <username> <uri> <expires> .. introduce a temporary usrloc entry

 -- command 'fifo'

 fifo ............................... send raw FIFO command

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